Thanks for the suggestion relyt12101 and Mick. I created a page for the logos. Just click on the Scratch logo from the home page or go to
I made a gallery for all the logos
here is the link
Last edited by YAYALEC (2007-09-19 20:04:51)
Here's mine because today is exactly 25 years after the first emoticon (smiley) was created! Here's the project,
Llamalover: awesome logo but don't forget to put the date. Also, the "imagine program share" part cannot be part of the image because they are just text (HTML text).
not to be rood or anything,but did you(andresmh)steel my idea???you looked at my fourm "Holiday themes"and you said ''great thinking!''and right after you replied you made this fourm and the compettion.and if you did take my idea i'm not mad at you i am just asking for a tiny tiny piece of credit.
Thank you
I made One for Columbus Day Please try to include mine for judging columbus day is October 12th very soon
Last edited by YAYALEC (2007-09-20 15:58:05)
adriangl wrote:
not to be rood or anything,but did you(andresmh)steel my idea???you looked at my fourm "Holiday themes"and you said ''great thinking!''and right after you replied you made this fourm and the compettion.and if you did take my idea i'm not mad at you i am just asking for a tiny tiny piece of credit.
Thank you
Oh sorry if it seemed like I took your idea. Are you referring to this forum thread you created on August 27? Because the one I created was a few days before. Anyway, I really took the idea from Google so I hope no one is mad. Sorry and if it makes you feel better: credit goes to adriangl!
YAYALEC wrote:
I made One for Columbus Day Please try to include mine for judging columbus day is October 8th very soon
Nice. You need to submit a project and a logo separately. Preferably the project should do something more than simply displaying the logo. Also, make sure that the logo is the same size of the official one.
Oh and isn't Columbus Day on October 12? See this wikipedia entry:
The emoticon days was yesterday (19th September)
andresmh wrote:
YAYALEC wrote:
I made One for Columbus Day Please try to include mine for judging columbus day is October 8th very soon You need to submit a project and a logo separately. Preferably the project should do something more than simply displaying the logo. Also, make sure that the logo is the same size of the official one.
Oh and isn't Columbus Day on October 12? See this wikipedia entry:
It is a looked at holiday calendar and it said it was the 8th ok i plan to make a new columbus day logo anyway invoving it being the 12th
Last edited by YAYALEC (2007-09-20 16:03:36)
i made a new one how do i get the picture i read the directions but still cant get it
Last edited by YAYALEC (2007-09-20 16:06:12)
okay you got it from i understand.and i thought you made ''create the next scratch logo after reading my fourm.never mind now.i hope we can still be frinds.bye!!!
andresmh wrote:
adriangl wrote:
not to be rood or anything,but did you(andresmh)steel my idea???you looked at my fourm "Holiday themes"and you said ''great thinking!''and right after you replied you made this fourm and the compettion.and if you did take my idea i'm not mad at you i am just asking for a tiny tiny piece of credit.
Thank you
adrianglOh sorry if it seemed like I took your idea. Are you referring to this forum thread you created on August 27? Because the one I created was a few days before. Anyway, I really took the idea from Google so I hope no one is mad. Sorry and if it makes you feel better: credit goes to adriangl!
Sorry Mick. I did read your suggestion and I though it was a good idea but I decided to wait and see if someone would create the gallery on their own. I think maybe YAYALEC was inspired by your comment and decided to take action. Thanks for always suggesting interesting ideas.
andresmh wrote:
Sorry Mick. I did read your suggestion and I though it was a good idea but I decided to wait and see if someone would create the gallery on their own. I think maybe YAYALEC was inspired by your comment and decided to take action. Thanks for always suggesting interesting ideas.
Well no i was not inspired by micks comment sorry i did not even knnow he made that comment
why didnt you make the gallery then can i have th link to that post mick made
Last edited by YAYALEC (2007-09-23 09:28:30)
A new scratch logo sounds like an awesome idea and since it's close to Halloween the logo can look spooky.
Good logo, Kevray, but the backgrond must be white.
YAYALEC wrote:
Well no i was not inspired by micks comment sorry i did not even knnow he made that comment
why didnt you make the gallery then can i have th link to that post mick made
Vecause I thought the Scratch Team could do a better job.