Since my gallery was featured (yay!) I decided to update the project notes and to include some links to stories that had been posted on the forums. However, as you may or may not have noticed, each time you edit your gallery/project description/notes, the spacing is auto formated so that whatever you just added is spaced away from the preceeding part of the notes. This would be fine apart from the fact that it spaces EVERYTHING out and if you try to add to the description/notes in the middle of them, it gets even more out of wack. It's just annoying. I mean, most people know what they want the spacing of their notes to be anyways so do we really need this feature?
It doesn't really bother me.
(What bothers me is if I stop typing it goes to the start of the notes and without me realising I type everthing there)
what-the wrote:
It doesn't really bother me.
(What bothers me is if I stop typing it goes to the start of the notes and without me realising I type everthing there)
Cut and paste?
I support! I hate it when it auto spaces when I'm editing the gallery description.
CloneCommando1 wrote:
I support! I hate it when it auto spaces when I'm editing the gallery description.
thank you! Annoying isn't it? And i know you could copy and paste, but for little edits? it seems like a bit much...