can anyone help me to perfect my aim to hit the enemy every time? cuz now it sometimes hits it and follows it but most of the time it just go like randomly
oh first you make it point towards the enemy then... oh just go here: it's a fixed version oh yeah download it to find out howi did it
Last edited by wordMan (2008-12-05 21:02:16)
thanks, but i'm trying to make one that dosn't use the point towards tool, or the x/y position of the enemy, i'm trying to create one that can detect the enemy using trig and triangulation but thx though! ^^
scratchrulesOMG wrote:
thanks, but i'm trying to make one that dosn't use the point towards tool, or the x/y position of the enemy, i'm trying to create one that can detect the enemy using trig and triangulation but thx though! ^^
Why? Why not keep it simple?
It would be nice to know why you are choosing alomst the most complicated way possible to do the job. Is it a class assignment?