Hi everyone!
Scratch was introduced to me by our professor and he only taught basic commands.
He gave an assignment that we should create a game following these two conditions:
1. Should include at least 3 kinds of control commands
2. At least 2 sprites and 1 stage.
Can you suggest games that follow my professors conditions in creating a game?
Also, what do you mean by control commands, sprites, and stage?
Correct me if I am wrong, the sprites are the characters that you will use in the game and the stage is like the background. I have no idea about the control commands can you explain it to me please.
You could use commands like
When Space key pressed
Do this
Then do that
Then if this is true
[]do this
[]and do that
End if
I think this is what your professor means by control commands but I can't be sure... you could make pretty much anything... I love racing games though
So you have a limit of only 2 sprites? Interesting...
A sprite is an item which can move. You might like to make a game where there is a car (1 sprite) which follows the mouse (simple to script but tell me if you need help) and then a police car to follow it (also easy to script).
You can control the car with your mouse with a simple point towards mouse then move 10 steps block. I always like projects with their own sprites and not from the example sprites folder.
Of course you can but that requires a few extra scripts...
Yea... you sure can and if I don't reply add a comment to one of my projects and I'll get back to you as soon as possible