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#1 2011-06-20 18:45:42

Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 100+

The Newest Projects bug

I try to roam the projects section to collect good, unnoticed projects. However, I can not do so, because only one page is given. You can go aaaalll the way down to the very last gallery in the galleries section, but you can not do so in the projects section. Once a great 4000 script 4 dimension game goes off the front page, it is gone, and you must tediously browse the search bar for it.

I suggest reverting the "projects" bar back into what it originally was, where you can go to something miraculous, something I like to call page 2 and 3.

Thank you.



#2 2011-06-22 16:30:26

Registered: 2011-06-22
Posts: 100+

Re: The Newest Projects bug

They go by "Newest", "Most Viewed" "Loved" and "Remixed".

If you mean the project rows, there's something miraculous called "See More"!  big_smile

Other than that, this belongs in suggestions.

Get out. There's no need for that. ~Kaj Aliv



#3 2011-06-22 17:45:02

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: The Newest Projects bug

If you click on the "See More" link, you get the entire 100 projects in that category.  But you still won't get any projects that are older than the cut-off for the category.  So you are kind of looking for some sort of category that will give you a history of the Front Page.  Interesting suggestion!

Last edited by Paddle2See (2011-06-22 20:00:33)



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