on a user you see a little link under their avatar "add to friend list" press that, bingo on your friends!
registeel wrote:
on a user you see a little link under their avatar "add to friend list" press that, bingo on your friends!
i dont think yahooj meant it that way, he wants to know how to actually get friends. A way to do this is to comment on someone's project/gallery and they would find you interesting and put you on their friend list.
Lavalife? Facebook? Going out and meeting people?
haha jk
Go to http://scratch.mit.edu/users/username
Then under the person's avatar, click "add to friend"
Obviously replacing "username" with a real username.
13hahn wrote:
<color[ ]is over[ <color[ ]is over[ (( <-> ))<change{ }by( hey ppl<glide( )secs to x )y <play sound[ <play sound[ <play sound[ <pen up><when[ ]key pressed>
can you shut up!!!