sorry for being brief but im in class right now, what i want to know is can you put an input box in your scratch program and if so, how.
You mean to type something and scratch would use it? I think you can sort of do that with lists somehow...
Last edited by hmnwilson (2008-11-27 19:03:00)
Well, you could create a list, and when you type something it adds a letter or number or whatever to the list. it should work, I've never tried it but I've seen it done before.
bobbob2000 wrote:
sorry for being brief but im in class right now, what i want to know is can you put an input box in your scratch program and if so, how.
An input box would really be nice! Unfortunately, Scratch doesn't have one yet. To handle input, you can set up a bunch of When Key Pressed scripts - one for each letter on the keyboard - and have each one add a letter to a list. That's one approach. Like this:
Must be downloaded, though