I made a very simple scratch game. I uploaded it, and it doesn't work properly.
Heres a link: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/ConorMacAoidh/323586
Playing the game online if you win there are some slight display problems... But if you download the file and play it locally you will see a massive difference in the behaviour or the background image in particualr. Locally it is the way i want it, but online it is broken!
any suggestions??
Unfortunately there are some discrepancies between the online version and the desktop version (they are actually bugs). Sometimes you need to to tweak it so it works exactly th same way online and locally.
On your project, it is probably the Stop All Blocks you have in the Stage area. They are probably taking effect too fast...before the other sprites have time to Hide. Try putting a Wait block of a second or two before the Stop All blocks.