Say you wanted to link to the middle of a large post. You can't currently do this - the solutions are either to manage without a link, or to use two separate posts. What I was thinking though is this: why not have a BBCode 'anchor' tag? It would work like this: [anchor]example[/anchor] and would translate into HTML roughly as <a id="example"></a>
Later on somewhere you could do this:
[url][/url] or [url=]example[/url] and it would link to the right place in the post.
Please say if you support!
Last edited by TheSuccessor (2011-06-19 08:17:42)
I already suggested this as part of another change in BBCode, but good thing you made a special post for it
Support, of course.
LS97 wrote:
I already suggested this as part of another change in BBCode, but good thing you made a special post for it
Whoops, I didn't notice. There are tons of BBCode suggestion topics, so the search isn't amazingly helpful.
TheSuccessor wrote:
LS97 wrote:
I already suggested this as part of another change in BBCode, but good thing you made a special post for it
Whoops, I didn't notice. There are tons of BBCode suggestion topics, so the search isn't amazingly helpful.
I know Doesn't matter anyway, this made it more visible. And don't forget the [comment] tag!
Pure support.
Also, I think it would work like this:
scimonster wrote:
Pure support.
Also, I think it would work like this:
lol cheddargirl supports! i support
EDIT: oh, wait thats just sci with his new sig
Last edited by WindowsExplorer (2011-11-17 04:04:34)
WindowsExplorer wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Pure support.
Also, I think it would work like this: cheddargirl supports! i support
EDIT: oh, wait thats just sci with his new sig
You actually thought I was cheddar?!
i've put this in my topic of bbcode ideas here
TheSuccessor wrote:
LS97 wrote:
I already suggested this as part of another change in BBCode, but good thing you made a special post for it
Whoops, I didn't notice. There are tons of BBCode suggestion topics, so the search isn't amazingly helpful.
I had one too
Time to go revive it...
actually in html it is <a name='example'>text</a> not <a id='example'>text</a>
joefarebrother wrote:
actually in html it is <a name='example'>text</a> not <a id='example'>text</a>
Not in XHTML. And both work in HTML.
Would be cool I guess, I support.