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I have no idea how! Please help there a way where you dont have to download?
Hi! Welcome to scratch!
When you first click on 'Import Sounds', you will be taken to the scratch sound library. there are some sounds that come with scratch!
but if you want, lets say, a song you heard from the radio, it probably isn't in the sound library. So, then you'd have to download.
Another way is to find a scratch project online with a song you like, download that, open it up, export the song, and import it into your project.
To get my music, i usually take it off my Itunes account or download it from
But you can still make a great project with music from the sound library.
Hope I helped! Scratch on!
If you don't want to download, and you have a microphone, you can try to record the music off a Youtube video or something similar.
gettysburg11 wrote:
If you don't want to download, and you have a microphone, you can try to record the music off a Youtube video or something similar.
I tried that once and it doesn't work too well. It's very low-quality and there's a lot of background noise. I use a youtube-to-mp3 converter for that.
Oh thanks! This is helpful...I've been wondering about music a lot lately. ^-^
bookworm778 wrote:
Oh thanks! This is helpful...I've been wondering about music a lot lately. ^-^
You're welcome!
pokemongardevoir wrote:
gettysburg11 wrote:
If you don't want to download, and you have a microphone, you can try to record the music off a Youtube video or something similar.
I tried that once and it doesn't work too well. It's very low-quality and there's a lot of background noise. I use a youtube-to-mp3 converter for that.
Maybe it depends on your mic, because usually I can get decent sound with that method.
Offline do you download?
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