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#1 2011-06-12 21:51:11

Registered: 2010-05-17
Posts: 100+

A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

It's very hard to get noticed on scratch. The main problem is you can't really work your way up. All your projects will pretty much get the same amount of views no matter which ones better then the other. In other words if your on the bottom your stuck on the bottom, if your on the top most of your projects are going to get on the front page. Sure you might manage to get a project on the front page but after that everyone forgets about you. There's no simple idea to fix it, but i have some that might help.

A subscriber feature. You can subscribe to your favorite scratchers and you'll get a notification when they make another project. The friends latest projects thing doesn't help very much becuase most people friend everyone who friends them and the latest friends projects is just full of projects made in a couple of minutes from people you barely know. With the subscriber feature, users can subscribe to people they want to see, and then people won't forget about the scratchers who make amazing projects but don't make them that often.

All projects get a chance on the newest projects section. How this will work is that everyone see's a random set of games made in the past 10 minutes. So 3 lucky games don't get the spotlight just becuase they happened to post at the right time. Every time you refresh you get another random set of games made in the past 10 minutes, you will never see the same project twice unless you have gone through all the projects made in the past 10 minutes.

This one might be a little controversial but how about getting rid of the most viewed projects section? I mean 90% of the time the most viewed has the same scratchers or are the games with misleading titles and thumbnails. Instead in it's place can be a most popular and can be determined by how many views it has compared to how many favorites and likes it has. And maybe it has to have a minimum of 10 views.

Friends activity section. Here you can see what your friends commented on, whose project they loved, who's they've Favorited , ect. So if a couple of your friends have Favorited a project then you might want to check it out to see what all the fuss is about. Along with this there could be a shout-out box where all your friends get a notification about the project you shout-out (There would probably need to be limits so you can't shout-out every 5 seconds)

I think these ideas will help share the views. There would be more chances to get views and the system will reward the people who make great projects instead of the people who got lucky or mislead everyone.

Last edited by awesomestickdude (2011-06-12 21:51:53)



#2 2011-06-12 22:32:43

Registered: 2009-12-07
Posts: 1000+

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

My only remark is:
Once you get front paged, it won't be as great as you expect. I thought it would be like the biggest thing of my life, but then I just saw it and went "eh..." It's not that great, trust me...

But for those who actually do want to get views, there's a better suggestion than removing the "what the community is viewing" row. (btw, it used to be top loved of all time, and that was just non-stop stay the same. you should be glad it's not on the front page anymore.)

They should assign a new position, similar to moderator status. But a little less powerful.

People can submit projects that are not their own to a list. They can only submit one, until that project is removed from the list. The people with the new position will go through and +1 vote for each project they want, and the top three with the most +1s will be on the front page. The new position people should consider having less famous people. Oh-one thing: a project will only remain on the list for a week, or unless a new position person removes it from the list if it's spam or someone that's already on the front page.



#3 2011-06-15 14:10:37

Registered: 2010-04-24
Posts: 23

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

I had an idea where as well as the sections we already have there should be a love-its per view section on the front page as well.

For example a project with 40 views and 10 love-its would have 0.25 love-its per viewed and would therefore be better than a well known scratcher who dosen't make as good projects and gets 1000 views and 200 love-its which would have 0.2 love-its per view.

There would have to be a minimum number of views like 5 so that the projects just released that have 0 views 0 love-its do not get front paged.

This system would mean that good project by less well known scratchers would still get on the front page.

If you like this idea you can support it on scratch suggestions here:

Last edited by schemer (2011-06-15 14:12:16)



#4 2011-06-15 14:31:12

Registered: 2010-04-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

schemer wrote:

I had an idea where as well as the sections we already have there should be a love-its per view section on the front page as well.

For example a project with 40 views and 10 love-its would have 0.25 love-its per viewed and would therefore be better than a well known scratcher who dosen't make as good projects and gets 1000 views and 200 love-its which would have 0.2 love-its per view.

There would have to be a minimum number of views like 5 so that the projects just released that have 0 views 0 love-its do not get front paged.

This system would mean that good project by less well known scratchers would still get on the front page.

If you like this idea you can support it on scratch suggestions here:

The trouble is, if you don't like a project, you can stop it getting on the front page by F5ing it.

/* No comment */



#5 2011-06-15 15:02:22

Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 500+

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

This would be neat... but the subscribe feature would be similar to the friends list. The only difference is that you would get notifications when a friend made a project. Perhaps you could only be able to subscribe to 10 user's projects as to not get to so many messages that might never get read and slow down the server.

RANDOM THOUGHT: If the tomato is a fruit, doesn't that make ketchup a smoothie?



#6 2011-06-15 15:16:40

Registered: 2009-06-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

TheSuccessor wrote:

schemer wrote:

I had an idea where as well as the sections we already have there should be a love-its per view section on the front page as well.

For example a project with 40 views and 10 love-its would have 0.25 love-its per viewed and would therefore be better than a well known scratcher who dosen't make as good projects and gets 1000 views and 200 love-its which would have 0.2 love-its per view.

There would have to be a minimum number of views like 5 so that the projects just released that have 0 views 0 love-its do not get front paged.

This system would mean that good project by less well known scratchers would still get on the front page.

If you like this idea you can support it on scratch suggestions here:

The trouble is, if you don't like a project, you can stop it getting on the front page by F5ing it.

I didn't actually think of that! I thought about how it was a good system because you couldn't cheat, but I forgot about those who never like any projects.



#7 2011-06-16 12:23:50

Registered: 2010-04-24
Posts: 23

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

TheSuccessor wrote:

schemer wrote:

I had an idea where as well as the sections we already have there should be a love-its per view section on the front page as well.

For example a project with 40 views and 10 love-its would have 0.25 love-its per viewed and would therefore be better than a well known scratcher who dosen't make as good projects and gets 1000 views and 200 love-its which would have 0.2 love-its per view.

There would have to be a minimum number of views like 5 so that the projects just released that have 0 views 0 love-its do not get front paged.

This system would mean that good project by less well known scratchers would still get on the front page.

If you like this idea you can support it on scratch suggestions here:

The trouble is, if you don't like a project, you can stop it getting on the front page by F5ing it.

Can you not do this to get a project top viewed at the moment anyway.



#8 2011-06-20 21:03:50

Registered: 2011-06-15
Posts: 500+

Re: A More Fair Chance for Scratchers to get the Views they deserve

awesomestickdude wrote:

It's very hard to get noticed on scratch. The main problem is you can't really work your way up. All your projects will pretty much get the same amount of views no matter which ones better then the other. In other words if your on the bottom your stuck on the bottom, if your on the top most of your projects are going to get on the front page. Sure you might manage to get a project on the front page but after that everyone forgets about you. There's no simple idea to fix it, but i have some that might help.

True... But, if you are really that good, then when you get front paged once everyone will see your projects.

awesomestickdude wrote:

A subscriber feature. You can subscribe to your favorite scratchers and you'll get a notification when they make another project. The friends latest projects thing doesn't help very much becuase most people friend everyone who friends them and the latest friends projects is just full of projects made in a couple of minutes from people you barely know. With the subscriber feature, users can subscribe to people they want to see, and then people won't forget about the scratchers who make amazing projects but don't make them that often.

Now you have to understand, people are not supposed to have a scratch user list as their friends list.  I have no idea why they do, nor have I an idea why you think that is most people.  Delete the "friends" who you don't know IRL and/or you dont need to see their projects.  The notification idea, however, is an awesome idea.

awesomestickdude wrote:

All projects get a chance on the newest projects section. How this will work is that everyone see's a random set of games made in the past 10 minutes. So 3 lucky games don't get the spotlight just becuase they happened to post at the right time. Every time you refresh you get another random set of games made in the past 10 minutes, you will never see the same project twice unless you have gone through all the projects made in the past 10 minutes.

Good, but maybe do it a different way. How about a realtime updater?

awesomestickdude wrote:

This one might be a little controversial but how about getting rid of the most viewed projects section? I mean 90% of the time the most viewed has the same scratchers or are the games with misleading titles and thumbnails. Instead in it's place can be a most popular and can be determined by how many views it has compared to how many favorites and likes it has. And maybe it has to have a minimum of 10 views.

Good idea! Vote toward front page?

awesomestickdude wrote:

Friends activity section. Here you can see what your friends commented on, whose project they loved, who's they've Favorited , ect. So if a couple of your friends have Favorited a project then you might want to check it out to see what all the fuss is about. Along with this there could be a shout-out box where all your friends get a notification about the project you shout-out (There would probably need to be limits so you can't shout-out every 5 seconds)

This would only work with a real friends list. the current friends list is really a watch-list.  It would need to be confirmed by both sides.  I dont know about you, but personally, I wouldn't want anyone to follow me around like that, especially any random person.  This idea will not happen.  Shout out is close enough to an idea inspired by above that I put below.


Inspired by the above, I support the following:

Each account should have a list of people who's projects its owner likes, and when someone on that list submits a project, the person gets a notification.

The newest projects place should be a flash thing, by default showing the latest 3, and updating realtime, but you can scroll it across the latest 5-20. ( maybe a setting )

Remove top loved, top viewed, etc. 

Allow people to vote for a project to be on the front page, without loving or favoriting.  Only allow a certain number of votes on any project in a given week, based on a system of loyalty.  This is calculated by how old the player's account is, as well as several other factors.  New scratchers start with 0 vpw ( votes per week )
One cannot vote on their own project. There would be several other features to ensure this as accurate as possible.  Points would go down slowly, and the top 12 or so would be on the front page.  Once a project was up, it could not be voted back up to the top again for a month or so, and it would fall down slowly.


Let me know your thoughts.


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