It took less than 4hrs when I was going to download 1.5 when Net(****)ingence didn't block and disable Mozilla Loverfox.
You can see I like paroding stuff.
Thank you, anyone want to do a Scratch Live thing?
I made a ScratchLive claw project here.
EDIT: There's a bug with Ping.
Last edited by rdococ (2011-06-04 15:55:58)
BTW Scratch Live may be down for a while...
How come?
rdococ wrote:
How come?
CPU limit was reached...
johnnydean1 wrote:
rdococ wrote:
How come?
CPU limit was reached...
How to open .IMAGE on my PC?
jji7skyline wrote:
How to open .IMAGE on my PC?
Place it in your Scratch folder, run the .exe or .app, and select that image file.
I'm developing Clawcraft. "A version of Minecraft polished to be run on Claw."
I recommend to make things on-line you set up your own server and get users to change the URL in the Scratch Live menu.
How to set it up?
1.) Download set.php (Get the code and save it as set.php)
2.) Go to your server (get a web host that supports php and MySQL [xtreemhost])
3.) Set up a database, and then set up a table and remember their names.
4.) Edit set.php changing the "xxx" to your info (the stuff to access the table)
5.) Upload set.php to your server
How to get your URL?
If your SL is being hosted at:
You need to get users to put the URL of:
Also, do NOT rename set.php .
Other notes
You can also use clear.php, which is below the set.php file. It clears all records when its opened with "?clear=1" at the end.
Last edited by johnnydean1 (2011-08-08 05:33:25)
whizzer wrote:
Claw is most definitely one of the best mods. This should be NetScratch 1.4!
I agree, it is one of the best.
Pecola1 wrote:
whizzer wrote:
Claw is most definitely one of the best mods. This should be NetScratch 1.4!
I agree, it is one of the best.
I 200% agree.
rdococ wrote:
jji7skyline wrote:
How to open .IMAGE on my PC?
Place it in your Scratch folder, run the .exe or .app, and select that image file.
I'm developing Clawcraft. "A version of Minecraft polished to be run on Claw."
I don't have a .exe or .app. I only got the .IMAGE file when I downloaded Claw... I'll check again...
Just thought I would bump Claw, as it is gaining interest.
johnnydean1 wrote:
I recommend to make things on-line you set up your own server and get users to change the URL in the Scratch Live menu.
How to set it up?1.) Download set.php (Get the code and save it as set.php)
2.) Go to your server (get a web host that supports php and MySQL [xtreemhost])
3.) Set up a database, and then set up a table and remember their names.
4.) Edit set.php changing the "xxx" to your info (the stuff to access the table)
5.) Upload set.php to your serverHow to get your URL?
If your SL is being hosted at:
You need to get users to put the URL of:
Also, do NOT rename set.php .Other notes
You can also use clear.php, which is below the set.php file. It clears all records when its opened with "?clear=1" at the end.
video tut for making a sl network on 000webhost?
Reupload 1.6.1, on both it is deleted.
EDIT: Actually, all of them are deleted except for 1.0 on Mediafire.
EDIT 2: The example project is deleted too.
Last edited by cocolover76 (2011-11-27 20:52:14)
Also, the code for Scratch Live is very messy and it only works with the Users table, I made another version which uses fewer lines of code and also works with any table name and is easier to read:
<title>Scratch-Live <?php $title = 'Variables'; echo($title);?></title> <?php $SQLhost = ""; $SQLuser = "root"; $SQLpass = ""; $SQLdatabase = "test"; $SQLtable = "scratchlive"; $con = mysql_connect($SQLhost,$SQLuser,$SQLpass); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "Database Connected"; echo "<br />"; if ( isset($_GET['user']) ) { $user = $_GET["user"]; } else { $user = ""; } // Since my WAMP server doesn't automatically ignore non-set data, I've added these if, else statements. if ( isset($_GET['pass']) ) { $pass = $_GET["pass"]; } else { $pass = ""; } if ( isset($_GET['value']) ) { $value = $_GET["value"]; } else { $value = ""; } echo $user; echo "<br />"; echo $pass; echo "<br />"; echo $value; echo "<br />"; if ($pass == 1) { $val = strlen($value); if ($val > 0) { echo "Acting on request"; $act = "set"; } else { echo "Getting request"; $act = "get"; } echo "<br />"; //************************** //******DATABASE STUFF****** //************************** mysql_select_db($SQLdatabase, $con); if(1==0) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE" . $SQLtable. " ( Username varchar(20), Value varchar(20), )"; mysql_query($sql,$con); echo "<br />"; echo "Table made"; echo "<br />"; } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$SQLtable." WHERE Username='$user'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ( $row['Username'] != "" ) { $get = $row['Value']; } else { $get = ""; } if ($get == "") { $query = "INSERT INTO ".$SQLtable." (Username, Value) VALUES ('$user', '$value')"; mysql_query($query); } echo "<br />"; echo "\n"; if ($act == "get") { echo $get; } if ($act == "set") { $query = "UPDATE ".$SQLtable." SET Value = '".$value."' WHERE Username = '".$user."'"; mysql_query($query); echo "Updated"; } } mysql_close($con); ?>
Last edited by Magnie (2011-11-28 11:35:28)
Thx Magnie . At the time I just learnt PHP and well, this was a starting project.
Re-uploaded the latest version I have. I wiped my PC and that was the only version I re-downloaded before the links went corrupt.
johnnydean1 wrote:
Thx Magnie
. At the time I just learnt PHP and well, this was a starting project.
do you have the mysql qwery for scratch live
I really like this mod! I downloaded panther, too, and BYOB. I am always interested in new versions of scratch for me to try, so if you find another one, I am happy to try it out.