Are there any plans for scratch board 2.0? I'm thinking that scratchboard, scratch itself would converge well with autonomous robotics systems (Brooks behavior-based robots).
This would require (minimally) some analog motor actuators, perhaps some other digital outputs (on off switches, wire-able to relays).
Ultimately, it would be cool if there were an on-board, scratch programmable processor and some RAM. I've used these before with Interactive C -- I'm sure there's a lot more overhead with Scratch -- but I'm sure the cost could be reasonable (<$75 US) for projects.
I second the request for scratchboard outputs. It might be nice to have some lego-compatible outputs, though I understand the difficulty caused by the different voltages of USB ports and Lego robots, and the power limitations of USB-provided power.
For advanced projects for kids, I'd want stepper motor outputs (easier to program than servo loops), but the cost may be too high. Even just running some little 5v toy motors would be good.
rauscher, not exactly what you are asking, but our research group also developed a project called PicoCrickets that has some of the features you are referring to.
Thanks. That seems pretty cool...reminiscent of the board I bought from the autonomous systems group in '94 but probably a little more goof-proof.
I could definately see scratch as being used with robotics. Each "sprite" could be a behavior (e.g. following a line and avoiding a cliff) with certain "sprites" preempting the behavior of others.
Some form of simple output to control systems would be of great educational benefit, and would be an awesome addition to Scratch.
Some form of simple output to control systems would be of great educational benefit, and would be an awesome addition to Scratch.
When I was young, I thought all you needed in life was a bike and a watch :-)
I'd like to revise that now - all you need in life is a bike and an output board for Scratch (you can always ask someone else for the time) :-)
However, I'd suspect that since the Scratch team have just started producing their input board - it'll be a long time before an input/output comes along :-(
+1 on the idea of an output board.
Even a basic stepper motor controller would be cool. Something like an Arduino interface would be awesome.
Users should be able to talk back to the outside world, as well as passively sensing its state.
I'd love to work on this. If I can get ahold of the serial protocol I'll hack something up for the arduino. What I'd suggest for the scratch side of things is just treat the hardware as another script. Any message that gets broadcast could also be broadcast over serial.
The software on the arduino would listen and appropriately respond. Two way would be awesome too.... hmmm, and parameterized messages.... I know, I know... kindergarten....
But adding something simple like that could help and could be hidden in setting or special script...
osbock wrote:
I'd love to work on this. If I can get ahold of the serial protocol I'll hack something up for the arduino. What I'd suggest for the scratch side of things is just treat the hardware as another script. Any message that gets broadcast could also be broadcast over serial.
The software on the arduino would listen and appropriately respond. Two way would be awesome too.... hmmm, and parameterized messages.... I know, I know... kindergarten....
But adding something simple like that could help and could be hidden in setting or special script...
And what happened next...? I second somekind of output board. There are so many options in education that should love an output facility on a scratchboard. Christmas is too late for whishing gifts but... 2008 I would love to see the possibility to get some output from Scratchboard...
Happy New Year,
We got our scratchboard today and it works fine (input only, of course). There was one problem with the downloaded Mac OS X drivers. They would not uncompress with "stuffit Expander" having a "Bad Name" error (probably because they were zipped with a Windows tool. If you run into this problem, open a terminal window and run "unzip" directly on the .zip file. That will produce the .dmg file you need to continue the installation.
I agree. The input-only scratch board is rather limiting. We want to change things in the real world, not just on the screen!
kevin_karplus wrote:
I agree. The input-only scratch board is rather limiting. We want to change things in the real world, not just on the screen!
Yes, we really want to change the world. And we like to do it together. It would be cool with Netscratch, output scratchboard, a webcam, a website and a bunch of experimental kids. And then the world never get back to where it is today...
lyselene: There are probably a few ways. One way is to use an Arduino board with some form of middleware, for example:
Also, I saw a post regarding the use of a GoGo board, which may or may not have output capability (I'm not familiar with the hardware):
GoldenAxe wrote:
We want to change things in the real world, not just on the screen!
Right. I assure you that the things in my last post exist in the real world
is there any way to interface inputs from the arduino to scratch , an emulator of sorts maybe which emulates a key press when a ceratain pin on the arduino goes high or it could emulate a scratch sensor board for variable inputs , does anything like this already exist ?
The external sensor feature of Scratch allows you to send signals from arduino to scratch via some form of middleware. See the site for more details.