i created a awsome fighting game, with selecteble stats and health... but all the "variebler" ( dont know waht it is in english but i hope you understand) it in the top left-corner and you cant se what number is on them!!
its ruening the game!!!
Really annoying, but if anybody can tell why or what to do i be thanxfull
Those guys.....
anyways, but project http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/burntAB/1843540
Variebler is called a “Variable” pronounced, “Var-ee-ab-ul”
Why not just move the stats with the health and other stuff?
When variables are created, they are shown on screen by default. To change this, go to the sprite that has the variable, click on the variables. In the list of variables "un-check" each one that you don't want to show on the screen.
Don't worry, if english is not your native language, there's forums for them here.
You can always move them if they're in the way, or hide them all together. Just make sure that they're showing when you save the project, or they'll default back to their original positions.