Well, I have a blog that is over 4yrs old. Never used or thought to use it until today. Now will be using it to review any game you wish and will be posting some tips for Scratch. Don't ask what the old url was, it wasn't pretty, and now it's http://blazerv82reviews.blogspot.com/
I have done some major changes recently, so go look at them.
A new game has been reviewed.
How will you Review, BV82?
I will download the game, to start (to ensure that everything works like it's supposed to). Then I will spend multiple minutes playing the game, looking it over to rate certain aspects, like controls or looks. Then I will post on the blog w/:
-A quick description of the game
-A Picture
Now to what I'll rate:
-Sound Quality
-Average Overall Rating (a average of the above ratings)
-My Overall Rating
Is there any type of award that my project can get?
Yep, it's called the Blazin award. You only get this if Average Score is over an 8/10 or is equal to it.
Anything else?
Please submit something, as I need something to do besides play my PSP and Capcom Vs SNK: Millennium Fight.
Last edited by blazerv82 (2008-11-17 17:52:54)
Can you review this game? http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/TheSaint/314535
Sometime this week, and by Saturday for sure.
Wait, don't do the starwars one. Review the one in my signature.
I'll do that.
Got it. You also received the "Blazin" award, so great job!
Pacatafox wrote:
pointless game can u review it
Well if it's pointless, whats the point of me reviewing it? (that's a joke by the way)
Next week, you will be reviewed, so make something good. I may not review that, but I will review something from your page.
TheSaint wrote:
Nice review, thanks.
No problem.