When you have a script that you want to end you should be able to use a <once broadcasted block> This is what I mean
<when green flag clicked>
<go to[ Mouse pointer]
Now what I am talking about,
you want it to end, so you can put Right here--> <once brodcasted(whatever)>
<stop all>
You just need to use the <when I receive[ block for that.
Yes, but you cant put it in the middle of the script
It would be good to end a script... with the stop script block I mean...
What you do is have a { When I receive [stop] }
variable [ set [stoped] to (1)]
Then, on the other script
{when green flag clicked}
[go to[ Mouse pointer] ]
|if < (stoped) = (0) >\
[_stop script_]
Last edited by LordSydney (2011-06-07 02:39:38)