Hi, Scratchers!
I'm trying to decide wether I should make a Metal Gear game for Scratch or a Metroid game. Please reply with your oppinion!
<move( 1 )steps>
mertoid- ive never even heard of metal gear
Metroid is a sweat game i beat alot of the mlike matroid zero mission. My favorit game is super metroid for snes it is really fun.:cool
I've only tried Metroid once, but I didn't find it really fun. I'd say Metal Gear. I like games that require hiding and strategical thinking.
Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid Metroid! Samus is cool!
metal gear. metroid is awesome, but metal gear is wayyyy better. Its comparable to halo, which i think is one of the best sries ever made.