-----------------------------------------< < < <Bulletin Board Code> > > >----------------------------------
And most everything about it.
• Commands.
• Links.
• Images.
• Posting images.
• Making an image a link.
• Quotes and Code.
• Quotes.
• Code.
• Text variations.
• Smiles.
• Colours.
• Colouring text.
• Colouring links.
• Basic colours.
• Other.
• BBCode without spaces.
• Fake Links.
• Hexadecimal code.
• About.
• Combinations.
• User combinations.
• Other/tests
To make a link: [url]http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php[/url] which looks like http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php
To make different text for links: [url=http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php] Forums Home(Text here)[/url] which looks like Forums home
To make an image [img]http://i.imgur.com/1RZOS.gif(image location link here)[/img] which looks like
To make an image a link
[url=http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php][img]http://i.imgur.com/1RZOS.gif[/img][/url] [url=http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php][/url]
which looks like
No, the Forums are NOT my latest project test.
Quotes and Code.
To make an anonymous quote [quote] Text here[/quote]
, which looks like
Text here
To make a quote of someone [quote=Person being quoted] Text here[/quote]
, which looks like
Person being quoted wrote:
Text here
To make code boxes, [code] Text here [/code]
Note: No BBCode works in code boxes.
which looks like
Text here [color=#FF0000]See! It doesn't work![/color]
Text variations
To make bold text. [b]TEXT[/b] TEXT
Underlined. [u] TEXT[/u] TEXT
Italicised. [i] TEXT [/i] TEXT
Or...you can do them all at the same time!
:) or =)
:| or =|
:( or =(
:D or =D
:o or :O
To colour text [color=#(Colour number)] TEXT [/color] TEXT
To colour links, without coloured underlines [url=(link)http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php][color=#(color)FF0000] (link text) Forums home[/color][/url] which looks like Forums home
To colour links with underlines [url=(link)http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php][color=#(colour)FF0000][u] (link text) Forums home[/u][/color][/url] which looks like
Forums home
All the links above go to the forums home page...
Make sure you finish the code for EVERY part and make sure you do not copy the spaces I added.
Now for some colours...
Red color=#FF0000 ██████
Orange color=#FFA500 ██████
Yellow color=#FFFF00 ██████
Green color=#228B22 ██████
Blue color=#0000FF ██████
Violet color=#8A2BE2 ██████
Indigo color=#4B0082 ██████
So, a rainbow!
Some colours you also might want to use...
Almost invisible text in posts color=#DCDCDC ███
Invisible text in posts color=#DEDFDF ███
Almost invisible text in qoutes color=#FFF0F5 ███
Invisible text in quotes color=#F1F1F1 ███
How to show BBCode without spaces in between, like so [url=http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/index.php]Forums Home[/url]
to do this some BBCode must be put inside the main code...
[url[b][/b]]blablabla[/url] so you see, I put some random, easy to type, BBCode inside the starting BBCode and it didn't work! (above^)
also, it doesn't matter where you put it inside, just so long as it is in, it will stop the BBCode.
Now, I don't know why you would want to use this but, Fake Links!
To make a fake link just do this: [url=javasript:void(0)][u]your text here[/u][/url] exactly the way I have it, which looks like:
your text here
Hexadecimal code
The hexadecimal code uses 6 letters or numbers in a row (FF0000 for example)...hence the "hex" part. Without six digits it will not work.
Hexadecimal code has 16 digits.
Character. Value.
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15
rdococ wrote:
Hexadecimal codes use the #RRGGBB colour space
So in #000000 we have
Red value. Red value. Green value. Green value. Blue value. Blue value.
0 0 0 0 0 0
So the more you put in...the more of the colour you have...for instance...
Red value. Red value. Green value. Green value. Blue value. Blue value.
F (15) F (15) 0 0 0 0
is a nice bright red (FF0000) because all we put in...is red! Simple isn't it?
rdococ also wrote:
Here are the combinations:
Red, and green make yellow. Halving the green also makes orange.
Blue, and green make aqua.
Red, and blue make magenta.
All together make white. Halving every colour also makes darker shades of white, e.g. grey
User Combinations
Try making your own colour. If you think its good, name it and tell me so I can add it in here.
When submitting an entry please show the code used and the colour separately as it is annoying for me to have to quote to see the code. Thank you!
Current Format: Alphabetical order by name.
Name. User. Code.
Brown (ImagineIt) color=#503900 ██████
Cold pink (williambl) color=#80646F ██████
Cold rock (rdococ) color=#80AAAA ██████
Dark gold yellow (LordSydney) color=#DAA520 ██████
Dark hot pink (ImagineIt) color=#D40967 ██████
Gold (williambl) color=#DFD345 ██████
Gold yellow (LordSydney) color=#FFD700 ██████
Hot orange (jslomba) color=#DF6600 ██████
Hot pink (jslomba) color=#D132D3 ██████
Light pink (jslomba) color=#FF9FF1 ██████
Link colour (mathematics) color=#005CB1 ██████
Magenta (parcheesidude) color=#DE249A ██████
Maroon (williambl) color=#600000 ██████
Mold-ish (williambl) color=#958539 ██████
Neon orange (ImagineIt) color=#FFA254 ██████
Sky Blue (jslomba) color=#5072D1 ██████
Yellow green (ImagineIt) color=#A1E500 ██████
Half FF tests
Lime normal (00FF00) ██████
Green normal (228022) ██████
Green with A5 (22A522) ██████
Green with just 80 (008000) ██████
Green with just A5 (00A500) ██████
If you have any questions about BBCode or want any other specific colours like lime 00FF00 ███ or royal blue 4169E1 ███ just ask me and I will help you as soon as possible
If the user colours should be in order by colour name, user name, or colour.
Last edited by LordSydney (2011-08-12 05:06:45)
What's the colour Squant in BBCode?
(I don't expect you to know, because Squant is primary and it has a different sense from others)
rdococ wrote:
What's the colour Squant in BBCode?
(I don't expect you to know, because Squant is primary and it has a different sense from others)
Please answer.
I'm expecting it to be similar to a blue-yellow.
Fake Squant (colour hex #80FF80) ###
Fake Squellow/Real Peach (colour hex #FFD080) ###
EDIT2: Weren't bright enough. Peach looked like orange, and Squant looked like green.
EDIT3: Still too dark? Give me more colours to test.
EDIT4: Tell them about the colour space.
Hexademical codes use the #RRGGBB colour space, even tho most people use RYB.
Here is the combinations:
Red, and green make yellow, not brown. Halving the green also makes orange.
Blue, and green make aqua.
Red, and blue make magenta.
All together make white, not brown. Halving every colour also makes darker shades of white, e.g. grey.
P.S. I've been up for like, more than 24 hours!
Last edited by rdococ (2011-05-27 20:08:21)
Well I'm not sure about "squant"... This shows what you might want to know...I just looked it up on the internet...I'd never even heard about "squant"
some random internet guy wrote:
Does this make as little sense to you guys as it does to me? It's apparently a new 4th primary color that was discovered a while back, and they named it "squant".
I think it's BS, mainly because there's no room on the tested and true electromagnetic spectrum for it to be placed.
Not only that, but people have issues with installing the plugin (even though you still need to purchase a squant capable monitor, WHAT A LAUGH!), and they received the error message "file not found: A Squant-Colored Folder". Does this not sound like a giant joke, to you?
I don't think there could be a 4th primary color, otherwise we'd have people walking around since the day we could speak, asking "what is this 4th color, and why does it not have a name?".
I've also searched around, and have found absolutely nothing reputable that mentions it, no peer review, no real scientific journals, nothing. Only the original site, and a link or two, plus a digg.
so yeah...
Edit: The text above says
text wrote:
This page contains the color Squant. Due to technological limitations, the current RGB spectral model cannot support the newly discovered primary colour Squant. On this site the grey colour denotes Squant, until it is viewable on colour monitors.
Last edited by LordSydney (2011-08-11 22:40:50)
LordSydney wrote:
Well I'm not sure about "squant"... This shows what youy might want to know...I just looked it up on the internet...I'd never even heard about "squant"
some random internet guy wrote:
Does this make as little sense to you guys as it does to me? It's apparently a new 4th primary color that was discovered a while back, and they named it "squant".
I think it's BS, mainly because there's no room on the tested and true electromagnetic spectrum for it to be placed.
Not only that, but people have issues with installing the plugin (even though you still need to purchase a squant capable monitor, WHAT A LAUGH!), and they received the error message "file not found: A Squant-Colored Folder". Does this not sound like a giant joke, to you?
I don't think there could be a 4th primary color, otherwise we'd have people walking around since the day we could speak, asking "what is this 4th color, and why does it not have a name?".
I've also searched around, and have found absolutely nothing reputable that mentions it, no peer review, no real scientific journals, nothing. Only the original site, and a link or two, plus a digg.http://www.negativland.com/squant/home2.gif
so yeah...
Edit: The text above saystext wrote:
This page contains the color Squant. Due to technological limitations, the current RGB specrtal model cannot support the newly discovered primary colour Squant. On this site the grey colour denotes Squant, until it is viewable on colour monitors.
Yep, correct site.
I'mma make a colour: Cold Rock!
Colour code: Cold Rock/#80AAAA
Last edited by rdococ (2011-05-28 09:40:26)
LordSydney wrote:
rdococ wrote:
LordSydney wrote:
Well I'm not sure about "squant"... This shows what youy might want to know...I just looked it up on the internet...I'd never even heard about "squant"
some random internet guy wrote:
Does this make as little sense to you guys as it does to me? It's apparently a new 4th primary color that was discovered a while back, and they named it "squant".
I think it's BS, mainly because there's no room on the tested and true electromagnetic spectrum for it to be placed.
Not only that, but people have issues with installing the plugin (even though you still need to purchase a squant capable monitor, WHAT A LAUGH!), and they received the error message "file not found: A Squant-Colored Folder". Does this not sound like a giant joke, to you?
I don't think there could be a 4th primary color, otherwise we'd have people walking around since the day we could speak, asking "what is this 4th color, and why does it not have a name?".
I've also searched around, and have found absolutely nothing reputable that mentions it, no peer review, no real scientific journals, nothing. Only the original site, and a link or two, plus a digg.http://www.negativland.com/squant/home2.gif
so yeah...
Edit: The text above saysYep, correct site.
I'mma make a colour: Cold Rock!
Colour code: Cold Rock/#80AAAANice colour!...Mabey I should make a section of colours given to me... what do you think?
Yes. Scratch on!
javascript:var w=function(a){document.write(a);};var x=function(i){if(i<=0xf)return('0'+i.toString(16));return(i.toString(16));};for(var r=0;r<=0xff;r+=0xf){for(var g=0;g<=0xff;g+=0xf){for(var b=0;b<=0xff;b+=0x5){w('<font color="#'+x(r)+x(g)+x(b)+'">█</font>');}w('<br />');}}
C&P into the address bar. Made by TheSuccessor.
And, all the normal colours are:
#808080 (named Grey)
#FF0000 (named Red)
#FFFF00 (named Yellow)
#00FF00 (named Green)
#FF8000 (named Orange)
#0000FF (named Blue)
#FFFFFF (named White)
#000000 (named Black)
More tips:
- Half of FF is 80.
- Hexademical goes from 0-F, and one hex. bit is 16 colours, 2 is 256 colours. Having 6 hexademical bits would equal 256 ^ 3 (or for british, 256 * 256 * 256) colours.
- In binary (0-1) you would need 8 bits for 0-255 or 256 colours, but it is the same job with just 2 bits for hexademical!
- Simulating transparency: Make the colour look more gainsboro in normal posts, make it look more like lavenderblush in quotes.
- In the code tag, all BBCode (including colours) is disabled.
Last edited by rdococ (2011-05-30 09:01:45)
LordSydney wrote:
rdococ wrote:
And, all the normal colours are:
#808080 (named Grey)
#FF0000 (named Red)
#FFFF00 (named Yellow)
#00FF00 (named Green)
#FF8000 (named Orange)
#0000FF (named Blue)
#FFFFFF (named White)
#000000 (named Black)
More tips:
- Half of FF is 80.
- Hexademical goes from 0-F, and one hex. bit is 16 colours, 2 is 256 colours. Having 6 hexademical bits would equal 256 ^ 3 (or for british, 256 * 256 * 256) colours.
- In binary (0-1) you would need 8 bits for 0-255 or 256 colours, but it is the same job with just 2 bits for hexademical!
- Simulating transparency: Make the colour look more gainsboro in normal posts, make it look more like lavenderblush in quotes.
- In the code tag, all BBCode (including colours) is disabled.Do you want me to put that up the top or leave it here?
You can put it at the top.
I tried the image thing and it didn't work. Can you tell me why?
[color=#VALUE][/color] (invaild!) No BBcode color tag [color=#000000]###[/color]
#ABCDEF Alphabet' blua ###
#FEDCBA Alphabet' redinge ###
Last edited by rdococ (2011-06-05 05:12:38)
Another way to make a fake link:
[url=javascript:void(0)]blah blah blah[/url]
How it looks like: All you need to know about BBCode
Last edited by mathematics (2011-06-08 06:55:58)
TBH this feels a bit like a ripoff of my BBCode guide xD
Cool Thanks!
Last edited by TheBajeebas (2011-06-17 22:54:47)