Topic closed
...When you subconsciously type 'scratch' in a search bar.
... when you start saying hello for two seconds
... when instead of dressing you double click on "next costume"
... when you start single stepping on your bicycle
... when you can't find the green flag on your coffee machine
Jens wrote:
... when you start saying hello for two seconds
... when instead of dressing you double click on "next costume"
... when you start single stepping on your bicycle
... when you can't find the green flag on your coffee machine
Defiantly! Oh, nice work Jens becoming part of the scratch team!
You know your addicted to scratch when you say "Wheres that green flag? I need to use it to make my coffee machine work" . You know your addicted to scratch when you make over 1,000,0,00,0,0,0,0,0,00,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, projects and you look for scratch scripts all around your house!
You know your addicted to Scratch when you only eat when <(<{ hunger }> <=>1 00 )>
You know your addicted to Scratch when you do a double-take when you see a cat.
-You know your addicted to Scratch when you're filled with scripts wrote up on your arm.
-You know your addicted to Scratch when you pay a bunch of programming geeks to port Scratch to your NDS/Cellphone/PSP/Whatever.
-You know your addicted to Scratch when you do your math homework like:
[blocks]<when I receive[ homework
<switch to costume[ openbook
<set pen color to( █ )>
<pen down>
<repeat until><( <{ done? }> <=> true )>
<set{ result }to( (( <{ number1 }> <*> <{ number2 }> ))
<change{ operations_done }by( 1
<if> <( <{ operations_done }> <=> 20 )>
<set{ done? }to( true
<switch to costume[ bookclose
<stop script>[/blocks]
Last edited by technoguyx (2008-11-15 20:41:06)
You now you're addicted to Scratch when you post in this thread.
Last edited by DotsandStripes (2008-11-15 20:46:41)
Topic closed