Nested lists would be good so you could have 2D lists like
could be made by haveing nested lists and it would look like this
A Nested list is a list inside a list (2D list)
A 3D Nested list is a list inside a list inside a list
it would be very useful to people makeing games and possibly artists by setting it so that if item 1 of (item 1 of (Map)) could be a costume (X or O). it could be useful to animators so that it is like multiple animated gifs.
Also a "Stop All Scripts In This Sprite" block.
Possibly a "Multiplayer" tab with Join, Find, Leave and Host blocks in.
The scratch team is possibly adding some features of BYOB to Scratch, one of which is nested lists.
And there is actually a hidden feature in Scratch called "Mesh," which only works on the same network, but I've heard that the Scratch team might be improving it, since we're switching to Flash.
No one's sure about this, though.
I SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!
BYOB features FTW.
I totally support!!