i know how to add friends but how do i find the friends i want to add?
AngelsFromBelow wrote:
i know how to add friends but how do i find the friends i want to add?
Do you know what their usernames are? If so, go to the home page (or anywhere but the forums), and enter it in the search box. The first result should be their "stuff" page.
but i know my friends email and all that but not their username. how do i find the USERNAMES?
angelazhang3200 wrote:
but i know my friends email and all that but not their username. how do i find the USERNAMES?
Simple. You can't. Scratch does not disclose any real personal information, like name or email. Scratch is not a social networking site. You need to know your friend's usernames, or you won't be able to find them. Sorry.
im tryin to fimd emo friends and if u want to be my friend just have a messge ok:)
If you know there usernames, search it up in the Scratch seach box there and when something comes up press users. if you don't know there usernames, then if you know one of there project or gallery names then search that. I hope this helps.
angelazhang3200 wrote:
but i know my friends email and all that but not their username. how do i find the USERNAMES?
Then you must ask them or know a project or gallery that they have posted.