bananaman114 wrote:
somelia wrote:
somelia wrote:
Here's a scary story I wrote. If yo feel the urge to listen to the creepy Pokemon soundtrack, close out of your browser, shut down the computer, and go take a walk. Get it out of your head.
I should have told her that. I should have never shrugged my shoulders and let the subject pass. But I didn't, and now she's gone.
She was my best friend.
She had started to become obsessed with Lavender Town. I had gone through such a phase, and just...ignored her. I should have known better.
She had been lying awake, headphones on and plugged into her mp3 player. What was blaring through the headphones was none other but the lavender town theme. She had been sleeping over at my house.
I woke up in the middle of the night, sensing danger. I saw her, headphones still on her head. She was clutching her mp3 player, and blood from an unknown source was on her sheet. Her irises and pupils were rolled back inside her head, and even when I shut off the mp3 player the lavender town theme was still playing.
I took off her sheet, and I noticed that her arm was bleeding. There wasn't a cut or anything, but it was still bleeding. I started to get really creeped out.
I saw a vision of my dead Pikahcu. It floated in front of me. I couldn't even cry, I was so shocked.
Then, I saw...The Ghost.
It stared at me, and I stared back.
My Pikachu spoke to me. It said, "Won't you join us?"
Also floating was my friend's Squirtle. THen, I saw a ghostly image of my friend.
"Join us! Please!" They all cried.
"I can't..."
I blacked out. THe next thing I noticed, I was back in bed. THe ghosts were gone.
All except one.
My friend's.
She said...
"You're a traitor."
I said,
"I'm not."
Then, she replied,
"THen show us that and join us."
The Pokemon Tower song began to play.
I could feel my eyes begin to tear up.
"I will join you!"
I regret those words to this day.Anyone?
It's like "Come follow me" only with Lavender Town Syndrome.
I know; I joined two stories together.
somelia wrote:
bananaman114 wrote:
somelia wrote:
Anyone?It's like "Come follow me" only with Lavender Town Syndrome.
I know; I joined two stories together.
It's interesting, but to be honest, I like the original "Come Follow Me" better.
Once upon a time, a holiday mansion, lost in the Yorkshire moors, was accommodating a family, the cottons. The year was 1915. The mother, rosemary, was cooking supper for the family. It was their all time favourite, crumpets. The lovely smell lingered around the lounge and the family smelt it with pleasure. They were all sat on the big brown armchairs, around the fireplace which was the only source of light.
Mother brought the supper in, and they ate.
Once they had finished, dishes were washed and children put into bed. Father Frederick was reading upstairs. Mother was sewing buttons onto a dolls face she was makiing for Tina, their daughter.
All of a sudden, the window smashed, but nothing could be seen. Cold breeze entered the room, Then a scream, a pyscho scream, echoed around the house and turned int harsh breath...
The next morning, father Frederick went out to look in the garden for mother, who wasn't in the house. He ventured past the big hedge and into the woods. And there, on a tree, hung by her own leg, was mother, buttons were sowed into her eyes her lips were stitched together and showed a sickening smile.
A demented muffled scream forced it's way out of her mouth.
The family was never seen again. The kIds died of starvation, and in the war time, the house was demolished and every terrible secret hid low underground....waiting...
Watch out for part 2"........
Last edited by Scratchlight (2011-05-21 14:13:58)
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
NetNostalgia Forum - Television (local)
Subject: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Does anyone remember this kid’s show? It was called Candle Cove and I must have been 6 or 7. I never found reference to it anywhere so I think it was on a local station around 1971 or 1972. I lived in Ironton at the time. I don’t remember which station, but I do remember it was on at a weird time, like 4:00 PM.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
it seems really familiar to me…..i grew up outside of ashland and was 9 yrs old in 72. candle cove…was it about pirates? i remember a pirate marionete at the mouth of a cave talking to a little girl
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
YES! Okay I’m not crazy! I remember Pirate Percy. I was always kind of scared of him. He looked like he was built from parts of other dolls, real low-budget. His head was an old porcelain baby doll, looked like an antique that didn’t belong on the body. I don’t remember what station this was! I don’t think it was WTSF though.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Sorry to ressurect this old thread but I know exactly what show you mean, Skyshale. I think Candle Cove ran for only a couple months in ‘71, not ‘72. I was 12 and I watched it a few times with my brother. It was channel 58, whatever station that was. My mom would let me switch to it after the news. Let me see what I remember.
It took place in Candle cove, and it was about a little girl who imagined herself to be friends with pirates. The pirate ship was called the Laughingstock, and Pirate Percy wasn’t a very good pirate because he got scared too easily. And there was calliope music constantly playing. Don’t remember the girl’s name. Janice or Jade or something. Think it was Janice.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Thank you Jaren!!! Memories flooded back when you mentioned the Laughingstock and channel 58. I remember the bow of the ship was a wooden smiling face, with the lower jaw submerged. It looked like it was swallowing the sea and it had that awful Ed Wynn voice and laugh. I especially remember how jarring it was when they switched from the wooden/plastic model, to the foam puppet version of the head that talked.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
ha ha i remember now too. do you remember this part skyshale: “you have…to go…INSIDE.”
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Ugh mike, I got a chill reading that. Yes I remember. That’s what the ship always told Percy when there was a spooky place he had to go in, like a cave or a dark room where the treasure was. And the camera would push in on Laughingstock’s face with each pause. YOU HAVE… TO GO… INSIDE. With his two eyes askew and that flopping foam jaw and the fishing line that opened and closed it. Ugh. It just looked so cheap and awful.
You guys remember the villain? He had a face that was just a handlebar mustache above really tall, narrow teeth.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i honestly, honestly thought the villain was pirate percy. i was about 5 when this show was on. nightmare fuel.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
That wasn’t the villain, the puppet with the mustache. That was the villain’s sidekick, Horace Horrible. He had a monocle too, but it was on top of the mustache. I used to think that meant he had only one eye.
But yeah, the villain was another marionette. The Skin-Taker. I can’t believe what they let us watch back then.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
***********, the skin taker. what kind of a kids show were we watching? i seriously could not look at the screen when the skin taker showed up. he just descended out of nowhere on his strings, just a dirty skeleton wearing that brown top hat and cape. and his glass eyes that were too big for his skull.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Wasn’t his top hat and cloak all sewn up crazily? Was that supposed to be children’s skin??
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
yeah i think so. rememer his mouth didn’t open and close, his jaw just slid back and foth. i remember the little girl said “why does your mouth move like that” and the skin-taker didn’t look at the girl but at the camera and said “TO GRIND YOUR SKIN”
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
I’m so relieved that other people remember this terrible show!
I used to have this awful memory, a bad dream I had where the opening jingle ended, the show faded in from black, and all the characters were there, but the camera was just cutting to each of their faces, and they were just screaming, and the puppets and marionettes were flailing spastically, and just all screaming, screaming. The girl was just moaning and crying like she had been through hours of this. I woke up many times from that nightmare. I used to wet the bed when I had it.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i don’t think that was a dream. i remember that. i remember that was an episode.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
No no no, not possible. There was no plot or anything, I mean literally just standing in place crying and screaming for the whole show.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
maybe i’m manufacturing the memory because you said that, but i swear to god i remember seeing what you described. they just screamed.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
Oh ***. Yes. The little girl, Janice, I remember seeing her shake. And the Skin-Taker screaming through his gnashing teeth, his jaw careening so wildly I thought it would come off its wire hinges. I turned it off and it was the last time I watched. I ran to tell my brother and we didn’t have the courage to turn it back on.
Subject: Re: Candle Cove local kid’s show?
i visited my mom today at the nursing home. i asked her about when i was littel in the early 70s, when i was 8 or 9 and if she remebered a kid’s show, candle cove. she said she was suprised i could remember that and i asked why, and she said “because i used to think it was so strange that you said ‘i’m gona go watch candle cove now mom’ and then you would tune the tv to static and juts watch dead air for 30 minutes. you had a big imagination with your little pirate show.”
OH MY GOSH. THAT SCARED THE PEANUTS OUTTA ME. Theres as youtube video about it, but I'm WAY too scared to watch it. If you've seen it, can you tell me what happened? I'm MEGA eager to know.
samid11 wrote:
OH MY GOSH. THAT SCARED THE PEANUTS OUTTA ME. Theres as youtube video about it, but I'm WAY too scared to watch it. If you've seen it, can you tell me what happened? I'm MEGA eager to know.
I think I found the video you are talking about.
At the begining there is a happy tune and the words "Candle Cove!!!!!!!!!", but then there is screaming of kids and grown ups. Plus there is a dancing doll, a skeleton with a top hat doing poses, a red thing with a nose and a mustache(?), and a little girl crying. It repeats showing them all for 38 seconds, but after that it shows a scary picture of a bear for a really short time, and the rest of the video is just static.
Last edited by kimmy123 (2011-05-24 12:20:00)
kimmy123 wrote:
samid11 wrote:
OH MY GOSH. THAT SCARED THE PEANUTS OUTTA ME. Theres as youtube video about it, but I'm WAY too scared to watch it. If you've seen it, can you tell me what happened? I'm MEGA eager to know.
I think I found the video you are talking about.
At the begining there is a happy tune and the words "Candle Cove!!!!!!!!!", but then there is screaming of kids and grown ups. Plus there is a dancing doll, a skeleton with a top hat doing poses, a red thing with a nose and a mustache(?), and a little girl crying. It repeats showing them all for 38 seconds, but after that it shows a scary picture of a bear for a really short time, and the rest of the video is just static.
The bear for like 0.1 secs... I thought it was a gas mask.
kimmy123 wrote:
samid11 wrote:
OH MY GOSH. THAT SCARED THE PEANUTS OUTTA ME. Theres as youtube video about it, but I'm WAY too scared to watch it. If you've seen it, can you tell me what happened? I'm MEGA eager to know.
I think I found the video you are talking about.
At the begining there is a happy tune and the words "Candle Cove!!!!!!!!!", but then there is screaming of kids and grown ups. Plus there is a dancing doll, a skeleton with a top hat doing poses, a red thing with a nose and a mustache(?), and a little girl crying. It repeats showing them all for 38 seconds, but after that it shows a scary picture of a bear for a really short time, and the rest of the video is just static.
yep. Thats the one. the skelleton is the "skin stealer", the mustache guy is his sidekick, and question: were the puppets scary? and was the screaming scary?
In progress:
One day, Marvin was driving to Boston. Little did he know that his day trip was about to take a turn for the worst. As he approached Boston, he noticed something unusual. He couldn't see a single building. It took him a couple of seconds to notice the immense patch of dense, jet black fog. Just then, his car entered Boston. It was too late. He felt a choking sensation as he was going under the Ted Williams tunnel. So did his parents. Suddenly, the car stopped. Marvin looked in the front seat, and, sure enough, his parents had fallen asleep. The clock was at 5:55. Quickly, Marvin turned off the car and jumped out. All of the traffic in the tunnel had come to a standstill. Boston had become a silent, desolate wasteland. So, Marvin opened the emergency door, heart throbbing. He went up the stairs and emerged on a street. He couldn't see the name, due to the fog. Just then, a hand grabbed his shoulder. Marvin jumped, and nearly broke the person's nose. The person grabbed him, and pinned him to the ground. The person, a boy, got up, and Marvin did the same. "Who are you?" asked Marvin. Just then, the clock struck six. The boy, who looked about fifteen, said, "It has begun. You may be our only hope. Come with me." Marvin agreed, and for a minute, the two walked in silence. Then, the solitude was inturrupted by a rumbling noise. The rumble made the ground vibrate, and the city of Boston looked to be swaying. Then it dawned on Marvin: the apocalypse was real. What he had been told was a bunch of lies. A previously un-noticed surge of energy swept through Marvin. He knew at that moment that he had to do something. He followed the boy. "Where are we going?" he asked. The boy replied, "Central headquarters. There are about twenty other kids, not including us, who didn't pass out. This fog has some strange qualities. Our scientists are analyzing it as we speak. Oh, by the way, I'm Paul. Who are you?" "I'm Marvin. I was heading to Logan Airport when my parents passed out." "Well, this is headquarters! How do you like it?" said Paul. Marvin, impressed, said, "How much does the John Hancock tower cost again?" "Everyone is asleep" "Oh, yeah." Paul led Marvin in, and they took the elevator up. They were greeted by about twenty or so kids, ranging from eight to eighteen years old. There were makeshift observation stations set up all around the glass walls. The building was above the layer of fog, so the view was clear. Just then, the crowd parted to reveal a 14-looking girl.
samid11 wrote:
kimmy123 wrote:
samid11 wrote:
OH MY GOSH. THAT SCARED THE PEANUTS OUTTA ME. Theres as youtube video about it, but I'm WAY too scared to watch it. If you've seen it, can you tell me what happened? I'm MEGA eager to know.
I think I found the video you are talking about.
At the begining there is a happy tune and the words "Candle Cove!!!!!!!!!", but then there is screaming of kids and grown ups. Plus there is a dancing doll, a skeleton with a top hat doing poses, a red thing with a nose and a mustache(?), and a little girl crying. It repeats showing them all for 38 seconds, but after that it shows a scary picture of a bear for a really short time, and the rest of the video is just static.yep. Thats the one. the skelleton is the "skin stealer", the mustache guy is his sidekick, and question: were the puppets scary? and was the screaming scary?
No. The video was horrible and not put together well. Not creepy in the slightest.
Sunrise-Moon wrote:
samid11 wrote:
kimmy123 wrote:
I think I found the video you are talking about.
At the begining there is a happy tune and the words "Candle Cove!!!!!!!!!", but then there is screaming of kids and grown ups. Plus there is a dancing doll, a skeleton with a top hat doing poses, a red thing with a nose and a mustache(?), and a little girl crying. It repeats showing them all for 38 seconds, but after that it shows a scary picture of a bear for a really short time, and the rest of the video is just static.yep. Thats the one. the skelleton is the "skin stealer", the mustache guy is his sidekick, and question: were the puppets scary? and was the screaming scary?
No. The video was horrible and not put together well. Not creepy in the slightest.
It actually made me jump a little bit, but it really wasn't that scary.
Well, here goes. This is the REAL creepypasta of why Cyrus hasn't appeared for a while.
Well, his final appearance was in my Oh the Thinks you can Think! project. Suddenly, he disappeared. Why? Well, you see, I liked SCOLIPEDE, and I thought he was really cool.
So I used Scratch for a really long time.
Then I started playing my Pokémon Diamond version again. WITH Action Replay. I randomly encountered a wild Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur.
It reminded me of Tailsdoll, so I read a bunch of stories about it. I never used him as a character, out of respect to the internet. I just kept using Scolipede.
Then came and went the X and V series. I was out of ideas!! Then I got Pokémon Black, and LOVED IT. Then I ran into N. I kept playing my game. It was PERFECT to me......
I then started to use him as a character. His spiky hair reminded me of Cyrus and Tailsdoll.....
And it happened. I opened Scratch, but it was opened to a project I had not made. I clicked green flag. The project was not my programming! It used different blocks. I went and looked at the Background blocks, and they were arranged into a message.......
It said, "WHY GAR, WHY DID ABANDON ME FOR SCOLIPEDE??" I deleted all of the scripts. But more came up. They said, "DON'T TRY TO IGNORE ME. I'm GOING TO GET YOU ON THE 23RD. OF THIS MONTH, OR RATHER......" I deleted them again. It then spelled out a word, a letter at a time.
"T" "O" "N" "I" "G" "H" "T".
Then I clicked the stop button like mad. But it then screamed "YOU CAN'T KILL ME. YOU CAN'T STOP ME." Then the blocks arranged into a single picture that scarred me for life.
Tailsdoll. And Cyrus, too. They both stared. Into my soul. And to this day, I will never program a background again using those blocks. My soul is now gone, and I am now a mindless machine that the two use for their bidding.
GarSkutherGirl wrote:
Well, here goes. This is the REAL creepypasta of why Cyrus hasn't appeared for a while.
Well, his final appearance was in my Oh the Thinks you can Think! project. Suddenly, he disappeared. Why? Well, you see, I liked SCOLIPEDE, and I thought he was really cool.
So I used Scratch for a really long time.
Then I started playing my Pokémon Diamond version again. WITH Action Replay. I randomly encountered a wild Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur.
It reminded me of Tailsdoll, so I read a bunch of stories about it. I never used him as a character, out of respect to the internet. I just kept using Scolipede.
Then came and went the X and V series. I was out of ideas!! Then I got Pokémon Black, and LOVED IT. Then I ran into N. I kept playing my game. It was PERFECT to me......
I then started to use him as a character. His spiky hair reminded me of Cyrus and Tailsdoll.....
And it happened. I opened Scratch, but it was opened to a project I had not made. I clicked green flag. The project was not my programming! It used different blocks. I went and looked at the Background blocks, and they were arranged into a message.......
It said, "WHY GAR, WHY DID ABANDON ME FOR SCOLIPEDE??" I deleted all of the scripts. But more came up. They said, "DON'T TRY TO IGNORE ME. I'm GOING TO GET YOU ON THE 23RD. OF THIS MONTH, OR RATHER......" I deleted them again. It then spelled out a word, a letter at a time.
"T" "O" "N" "I" "G" "H" "T".
Then I clicked the stop button like mad. But it then screamed "YOU CAN'T KILL ME. YOU CAN'T STOP ME." Then the blocks arranged into a single picture that scarred me for life.
Tailsdoll. And Cyrus, too. They both stared. Into my soul. And to this day, I will never program a background again using those blocks. My soul is now gone, and I am now a mindless machine that the two use for their bidding.
Good story but,
[blocks]<set{ Higejolly's Nickles }to( 301 )[/blocks]
GarSkutherGirl wrote:
Well, here goes. This is the REAL creepypasta of why Cyrus hasn't appeared for a while.
Well, his final appearance was in my Oh the Thinks you can Think! project. Suddenly, he disappeared. Why? Well, you see, I liked SCOLIPEDE, and I thought he was really cool.
So I used Scratch for a really long time.
Then I started playing my Pokémon Diamond version again. WITH Action Replay. I randomly encountered a wild Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur.
It reminded me of Tailsdoll, so I read a bunch of stories about it. I never used him as a character, out of respect to the internet. I just kept using Scolipede.
Then came and went the X and V series. I was out of ideas!! Then I got Pokémon Black, and LOVED IT. Then I ran into N. I kept playing my game. It was PERFECT to me......
I then started to use him as a character. His spiky hair reminded me of Cyrus and Tailsdoll.....
And it happened. I opened Scratch, but it was opened to a project I had not made. I clicked green flag. The project was not my programming! It used different blocks. I went and looked at the Background blocks, and they were arranged into a message.......
It said, "WHY GAR, WHY DID ABANDON ME FOR SCOLIPEDE??" I deleted all of the scripts. But more came up. They said, "DON'T TRY TO IGNORE ME. I'm GOING TO GET YOU ON THE 23RD. OF THIS MONTH, OR RATHER......" I deleted them again. It then spelled out a word, a letter at a time.
"T" "O" "N" "I" "G" "H" "T".
Then I clicked the stop button like mad. But it then screamed "YOU CAN'T KILL ME. YOU CAN'T STOP ME." Then the blocks arranged into a single picture that scarred me for life.
Tailsdoll. And Cyrus, too. They both stared. Into my soul. And to this day, I will never program a background again using those blocks. My soul is now gone, and I am now a mindless machine that the two use for their bidding.
somelia wrote:
Here's a scary story I wrote. If yo feel the urge to listen to the creepy Pokemon soundtrack, close out of your browser, shut down the computer, and go take a walk. Get it out of your head.
I should have told her that. I should have never shrugged my shoulders and let the subject pass. But I didn't, and now she's gone.
She was my best friend.
She had started to become obsessed with Lavender Town. I had gone through such a phase, and just...ignored her. I should have known better.
She had been lying awake, headphones on and plugged into her mp3 player. What was blaring through the headphones was none other but the lavender town theme. She had been sleeping over at my house.
I woke up in the middle of the night, sensing danger. I saw her, headphones still on her head. She was clutching her mp3 player, and blood from an unknown source was on her sheet. Her irises and pupils were rolled back inside her head, and even when I shut off the mp3 player the lavender town theme was still playing.
I took off her sheet, and I noticed that her arm was bleeding. There wasn't a cut or anything, but it was still bleeding. I started to get really creeped out.
I saw a vision of my dead Pikahcu. It floated in front of me. I couldn't even cry, I was so shocked.
Then, I saw...The Ghost.
It stared at me, and I stared back.
My Pikachu spoke to me. It said, "Won't you join us?"
Also floating was my friend's Squirtle. THen, I saw a ghostly image of my friend.
"Join us! Please!" They all cried.
"I can't..."
I blacked out. THe next thing I noticed, I was back in bed. THe ghosts were gone.
All except one.
My friend's.
She said...
"You're a traitor."
I said,
"I'm not."
Then, she replied,
"THen show us that and join us."
The Pokemon Tower song began to play.
I could feel my eyes begin to tear up.
"I will join you!"
I regret those words to this day.
samid11 wrote:
GarSkutherGirl wrote:
Well, here goes. This is the REAL creepypasta of why Cyrus hasn't appeared for a while.
Well, his final appearance was in my Oh the Thinks you can Think! project. Suddenly, he disappeared. Why? Well, you see, I liked SCOLIPEDE, and I thought he was really cool.
So I used Scratch for a really long time.
Then I started playing my Pokémon Diamond version again. WITH Action Replay. I randomly encountered a wild Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur.
It reminded me of Tailsdoll, so I read a bunch of stories about it. I never used him as a character, out of respect to the internet. I just kept using Scolipede.
Then came and went the X and V series. I was out of ideas!! Then I got Pokémon Black, and LOVED IT. Then I ran into N. I kept playing my game. It was PERFECT to me......
I then started to use him as a character. His spiky hair reminded me of Cyrus and Tailsdoll.....
And it happened. I opened Scratch, but it was opened to a project I had not made. I clicked green flag. The project was not my programming! It used different blocks. I went and looked at the Background blocks, and they were arranged into a message.......
It said, "WHY GAR, WHY DID ABANDON ME FOR SCOLIPEDE??" I deleted all of the scripts. But more came up. They said, "DON'T TRY TO IGNORE ME. I'm GOING TO GET YOU ON THE 23RD. OF THIS MONTH, OR RATHER......" I deleted them again. It then spelled out a word, a letter at a time.
"T" "O" "N" "I" "G" "H" "T".
Then I clicked the stop button like mad. But it then screamed "YOU CAN'T KILL ME. YOU CAN'T STOP ME." Then the blocks arranged into a single picture that scarred me for life.
Tailsdoll. And Cyrus, too. They both stared. Into my soul. And to this day, I will never program a background again using those blocks. My soul is now gone, and I am now a mindless machine that the two use for their bidding.OH THANKS A LOT, GAR. NOW TD IS GIVING ME HIS "WHY DO YOUR FRIENDS HATE ME SO MUCH" SPEECH.
not gars fault!
yea its stupid. shuddup
and poorly written. this is off the top of my head.
there was a school word document called flyer.doc for macys french elective from last school year. whenever macy tried to delete it, it kept coming back. she decided to open it, which was a big mistake.
on the document there were 3 words that scared her to death.
macy closed it immediately. when she opened it again it said:
"WHAT?!?!" she exclaimed.
she opened the folder with the document, but now it was 3.doc. a minute passes...
2.doc. another minute...
now its back to flyer.doc, which randomly opens on its own.
Macy was never seen again.
During a virus scan after her death, 3.doc was found as a threat. then 2.doc. then 1.doc. the computer went blank.
Macy's mom went missing the next day. They were found on the side of the road a year later, along with a printed copy of the flyer.
everybody who ever used the computer died.
all beacause of a flyer for a french elective.
imnotbob wrote:
yea its stupid. shuddup
and poorly written. this is off the top of my head.
there was a school word document called flyer.doc for macys french elective from last school year. whenever macy tried to delete it, it kept coming back. she decided to open it, which was a big mistake.
on the document there were 3 words that scared her to death.YOU MUST DIE.
macy closed it immediately. when she opened it again it said:
THIS IS WHERE YOU'RE HEADED."WHAT?!?!" she exclaimed.
she opened the folder with the document, but now it was 3.doc. a minute passes...
2.doc. another minute...
now its back to flyer.doc, which randomly opens on its own.IT'S TIME.
Macy was never seen again.
During a virus scan after her death, 3.doc was found as a threat. then 2.doc. then 1.doc. the computer went blank.
Macy's mom went missing the next day. They were found on the side of the road a year later, along with a printed copy of the flyer.
everybody who ever used the computer died.
all beacause of a flyer for a french elective.
Moral: don't do your homework, ever.
kimmy123 wrote:
I think I deleted all of the swears and bad stuff
During the first few days of the release of Pokemon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27, 1996, a peak of deaths appeared in the age group of 10-15.
The children were usually found dead through suicide, usually by jumping from heights. However, some were more odd..
The few children who were saved before killing themselves showed sporadic behavior. When asked why they were going to hurt themselves they only answered in chaotic screams and scratched at their own eyes. When showed what seemed to be the connection to this attitude, the gameboy, they had no response, but when combined with either Pokemon Red or Green, the screams would continue, and they would do their best to leave the room it was located in.
This confirmed the authorities suspicion that the games, somehow, had a connection to these children and the deaths. It was a strange case, because many children who had the same games did not show this behavior, but only a few. The police had no choice but to pursue this, since they had no other leads.
Collecting all the cartridges these children had purchased, they kept them sealed away as strong evidence to look over later. They decided the first thing to do was to talk to the programmers themselves. The first person they met was the director of the original games, Satoshi Tajiri. When told about the deaths surrounding his games, he seemed slightly uneasy, but admitted nothing. He lead them to the main programmers of the game, the people responsible for the actual content.
The detectives met Takenori Oota, one of the main programmers of the game. Unlike Satoshi, he did not seem uneasy, but very kept. Explaining that it was impossible to use something like a game to cause such deaths, and also bringing up the point that not all the children were affected, he brushed it off as some kind of odd coincidence or mass hysteria. It seemed like he was hiding something, but he wasnt giving way. Finally, he did say something interesting.
Takenori had heard a rumor going around that the music for Lavender Town, one of the locations in the game, had caused some children to go ill. It was only a rumor, and had no real definite back up, but it was still something to look into.
He directed the detectives to Junichi Masuda, the music composer of the series. Masuda had also heard of these rumors, but again said they had no evidence that his music was the cause. Even to prove a point he played the exact song from the game completely through with no effects to anyone, the detectives nor Masuda himself, feeling anything different or odd. Although they still had their suspicions of Masuda and the music of Lavender town, it seemed they had reached another dead end.
Going back to the cartridges they had seized from the homes of the children, they decided to take a slightly more direct look at the games. They knew that it was these games that gave the children the ill effects, so they took extreme caution. Popping in the cartridge and turning the console on, the game screen booted. The title screen appeared, and the option to continue or create a new game appeared.
When they chose to continue the game, stats of that game appeared. They saw the names of the children who had played, usually Red or another simple name. However, the interesting thing was the time played and the number of Pokemon they owned. On every game, the time was very low, and all of them had only a single Pokemon in their inventory. They came to the stunning reality that it could not have been the music from Lavender town that had caused such ill effects in the children, since it was impossible to reach that part of the game in such small amount of time and with only one Pokemon in their inventory. This brought them to the conclusion that something early on in the game had to be the cause.
If it wasnt the music, nor the title screen, it had to be something within the first few minutes of the game itself. They had no choice but to turn off the game now and go back to the programmers. Asking for a list of all the programmers from Takenori, they found, surprisingly, that one of the programmers had committed suicide shortly after the game was released. His name was Chiro Miura, a very obscure programmer who had provided very little for the game. Even more interestingly, he had requested his name did not appear in the credits of the game, and so it was not.
Looking over the evidence found at Chiros apartment, they found many notes written in bold marker. Most of it was crumbled, or marked out, making it very difficult to read. They few words they could find in the mess was Do not enter, Watch out and COME FOLLOW ME in bold. The detectives were unsure what these meant, but knew they had to have a connection. Further searching, they discovered Chiro was good friends with one of the map designers, Kohji Nisino, and this was probably the only reason Chiro had given a part in making the game.
Kohji Nisino, since the release of the game, had locked himself in his apartment, barely leaving in the dark of night to fetch anything he might need. He told his friends and family he was mourning for his dear friend Chiro, but they didnt believe this, since Nisino had locked himself up the day the game was put in stores, a few days before Chiro had killed himself.
It was troubling, but the authorities finally persuaded Nisnino to sit down and speak with them. He looked as if he hadnt slept in days, dark rings under his eyes. He stunk, his nails had grown black and his hair was greasy, sticking to his forehead and neck. He spoke in stutters and murmurs, but at least he had something to say.
When asked if he knew anything about the children who had died after exposure of the game and if it had any connection to the game, he answered them seemingly carefully, choosing his words thoughtfully before answering. He told them that his friend Chiro had an interesting idea with the game, something he had wanted to try since he heard the project was starting. Nisino himself knew Takenori, the director and main programmer, for a long time, so he could easily get a mediocre programmer in on the project with a little persuasion. It seemed Chiro had convinced Nisino to get him in on the project, and it had worked.
The detectives knew they were on to something. This unknown obscure programmer, Chiro, had to have something to do with it, something... They asked what Chiros idea was, why he wanted so badly to have a part in making this childrens game. Nisino told them that Chiro never told him much about it, other than a few details every now and then. He wanted to insert a special Pokemon in the game, one completely different from all the others. It would serve as an extra, a kind of out of place thrill for the player. It wasnt, however, Missing No. It couldnt be. With the gameplay time recorded on the cartridges, it was impossible for the children to have time to meet that Pokemon.
Nisino, throughout the entire conversation, seemed to break down even more with every question. The detectives pushed him more and more, searching through his mind for any and every scrap of knowledge this man had no game and Chiro... and Chiros intentions...
It was when they asked about the notes found in Chiros home that he snapped. From under the couch Nisino was sitting on he whipped out a pistol, pointing it straight at the police while backing away a few steps. Then, just as quickly, he brought the pistol to his face.
Dont follow me... muttered Nisino as he stuck the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It was too quick for the police to react. It was done. Nisino had killed himself, repeating slightly differently what was written on one of Chiros papers...
It seemed all leads had finally died. The team who had created this original game were splitting up, becoming harder to find. It was as if they were keeping a secret. When the police finally managed to talk with anyone who had parts in the game, even the obscure character designers or monster designers, it seemed they had nothing of interest to say. Most of them didnt even know Chiro, and the few who did only seen him once or twice working on the game itself. Throughout all of this the only confirmation they had was that Chiro was indeed the one who had worked on the very early parts of the game.
It had been a couple of months after the original children suicides and the death rate had dropped dramatically. It seemed that the game was no longer giving any ill effects to any children. The call back of the games that was planned was canceled, since it seemed the game was no longer harming any children. They had began to think that maybe Takenori was right and it was all just a very odd coincidence or mass hysteria... Until they received the letter.
It was given to one of the detectives himself, quite directly out on the street. It was a woman who gave him the note, a very frail, thin, sick looking thing. She gave him the letter quickly, telling him it was something he needed to see, and without waiting for a response or another word, she disappeared into the crowd. The detective brought it to his office, and calling the others in, he brought it out and read it aloud.
It was a letter written by Chiro himself, but it wasnt one found at his apartment. They had throughly searched and cleared out the place, so wherever this letter had come from, it wasnt kept at his home. It was signed to be given to Nisino. It started off quite formal, a hello, how are you, regards to the family, and such. After one or two of these normal paragraphs, they reached a section that requested Nisino to get him into the game team, to get him a programming position in Pokemon Red and Green.
As the letter continued, the handwriting seemed to grow more jittery. He talked about a glorious idea he had, a way to program something unseen in any game before. He said it would certainly revolutionize not only the gaming industry, but everyone. He went on to say that it was a very simple procedure to program this idea into the game. He did not even have to add any foreign programming, but could use what was already given in the game itself. This would, the detectives agreed, make it impossible to notice any obscurities in the programming itself. It was a perfect way to hide whatever this was.
The letter ended abruptly. There was no goodbye, no say hi to the family, no write back, or thank you. Nothing like that. It was just his name, written hard in the letter where the paper almost broke through. It was only his name. Chiro Miura.
This was the nail in the coffin for the detectives. They had no more suspicion about the cause. Chiro had programmed something into the early parts of the game, something maddening. To further increase this streak of success, they discovered that the programming team had worked in pairs, even Chiro himself. He had worked with another programmer, Sousuke Tamada.
If anyone knew what the secret in this game was, Sousuke Tamada would be the man. This was their final hope of unraveling this mystery once and for all.
They learned Sousuke had provided a lot of programming to the game, and seemed to be an average, good guy and worker. They were easily allowed into his home, a fair place, and they entered his living room where they sat. Sousuke did not sit, however. He stood by the window of the second story floor, looking out onto the busy street. He was smiling a little.
There is no direct witnesses to the events that followed. The only thing from this conversation that remained was found on a voice recorder sitting on the table in front of the two detectives assigned to talk to Sousuke.
Sousuke Tamada, what part did you have in the games Pokemon Red and Green? asked the first detective.
I was a programmer. His voice was light, friendly, almost too friendly. Thats all.
Am I right in knowing that the programmers working on the game worked in teams? asked the detective.
One could hear the voice of feet moving on the floor slightly. You would be right, said Sousuke after a moment of silence.
And your partner, his name was--The detective was quickly cut off by Sousuke eerie voice.
Chiro Miura... That was his name. Chiro Miura.
Another silence. It seemed the detectives were a little uneasy about this man. Could you tell us if Muira ever acted strange at all? Any particular behaviors you observed while working with him at all?
Sousuke answered them. I dont know him that well, really. We didnt meet up frequently, only every once in a while to trade data, or when the entire group was called up for a meeting... Thats the only times I really ever saw him. He acted normal, as far as I could tell. He was a short man, and I think this affected his consciousness.. He acted weaker than any other man I met. He was willing to do a lot of work to gain recognition, this I do know. I think...
Silence. Yes? asked the detective, pushing for him to continue. You think what?
I think he was a very weak man. I think he wanted to prove himself regardless of this point... I think he wanted to make himself known for something special, something that would make people forget about the way he looked and pay attention to the powerful mind that lay inside his skull.. Unfortunately for him, however.. heheh.. He didnt have much of a mind to back up that reasoning.
Why do you say that? asked the second detective.
Well its the simple truth, answered Sousuke quickly. His feet could be heard moving across the tiled floor. He was nothing special, even if he wanted to believe so. You cant become greatness, even if you believe it. Its impossible... Somehow, I think Chiro knew this himself, somewhere deep in there, he knew it.
The detectives were silent again, not sure how to steer the conversation. After a moment, they continued. Can you tell us what Chiros part of the game was? What did he work on exactly?
Sousuke answered more quickly than before. Nothing... I mean, nothing important. He worked on some obscure parts of the beginning of the game. A pause, then a little more information. It was Oaks part to be exact. He worked on some of Oaks parts... When hes seen first, you see..
What else? pushed the police. They could hear it in Sousukes voice. He knew something. We know you know about the children and the deaths. We know it was Chiro who did it. He programmed something in the game.
What are you implying? asked Sousuke. It sounded like he was trying to maintain his voice.
Were implying that since your his partner, if youre hiding something from us then you could just as much be responsible for those childrens deaths as Chiro is himself!
You cant prove anything! Sousuke shouted.
Tell us what Chiro did to the game! they shouted back.
Silence. Complete silence.
You want to know, huh? asked Sousuke finally, breaking the eerie silence, but replacing it with his voice. you want to know what is this all about? Chiro was an idiot. He'd do anything for a bit of attention, anything at all. He couldnt program worth a poop either. The one thing he could do, however, was be manipulated. You could tell him what to do, and hed do it. He wouldnt even question it, hed do it. Just to hear that thank you when you received the finish product, that was his reasons. Thats all he wanted.
Two clicks from the detectives guns could heard.
I could control him flawlessly. Hes a lot like Takenori... Of course none of you knew this, but I was the one who brought up the idea of the game, the idea of the entire operation. I just told the fellow what to do, and he followed me without doubt. He knows nothing, just like Chiro.
A sound of a window opening could be heard, follow by the detectives.
Dont move or well shoot!
Let me tell you about a mechanic in the game, continued Sousuke. His voice was more rushed, but it still held that slyness. Consider it a hint, alright? If you walk around in grassy areas enough a Pokemon will appear, and youll have the chance to go into battle with it. Its a necessary part of the game overall, you see?
Step away from the window! We wont warn you again!
At the start of the game you have to walk into the grassy area before Oak appears and you receive your first Pokemon, understand me? Under normal circumstances, it was programmed that even though youre in a grassy area, no Pokemon will spawn... I made it different. I manipulated that Chiro, told him what to put in the program, gave him all the instructions on how to do it, and he did it flawlessly. Its rare, but it can happen.. Stepping into that grass, one can spawn...
Sousuke, we dont want to shoot!
Shoot me? asked Souske, laughing at the same time. Shoot ME? Youre as dumb as Chiro was! Once he found out the truth, he had to end it! It was his fault after all! He shot himself because of it! If youre so determined to finish that case of yours, if you want to know, play the * game for yourself! Roll the wheel, and who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself!
A shot could be heard, loud enough to distort the audio. Sounds of screaming, murmuring could be heard. The table the recorder was on crashed. Ear shattering distortions. Silence. Then laughing. Sousuke was laughing, and then words. Come follow me... Come follow me... And then nothing.
The recorder continued to record until the tape ran out. There was nothing else on it. The police arrived on the scene quickly, and to their horror they discovered Sousuke and the two detectives dead. They had all been shot, but not after struggling. The detectives had been shot multiple times, at least ten each, before dying after being shot in between their eyes. Sousuke himself had clearly died of two hots to his chest, straight through the heart.
This game was causing a massacre. At least a hundred children were dead. Nisino, the unexpecting friend, dead. Chiro, the manipulated toy, dead. The two detectives, dead. And now, even the creator, the cause of this atrocity, Sousuke, dead. This game was stretching far over its original intentions. It was killing anyone and everyone who got involved.
The lead detective had decided to put this case away. He man who committed the crime was dead, so there was no longer any reason to continue the case. All evidence, all the cartridges, all the notes, all the letters, they were locked away, kept in the darkness where they belonged. There were talks about the entire thing, small conversations every now and then, but over the years even these began to fade away. Eventually, the case was only a memory in the minds of those who experienced it first hand.
Ten years passed. February 27, 2006 was the date. The lead detective, the man who locked away the original evidence ten years previous, was reminded of the awful event that occurred. Although he was no longer in the force, he still had access to files and was helped when he could. The reminder of the event caused him to look back, to open the sealed container that held all the evidence collected.
He read through the letters and the notes. He remembered the woman who had appeared to him on the street that one day and handed him that letter that lead to the change of the entire case. He wondered who she was, and where she had come from. Perhaps she was Chiros mother... or maybe Sousukes. It was far too late to pursue any of this. Far too late..
Sealing the container again, he saw a second one directly behind it. Pulling it out, he read the note on top of it. evidence #2012A He opened it up, and looked inside. Filling the container were exactly 104 Pokemon Red and Green cartridges, each one in perfect condition, untouched since the day they had last checked them ten years ago.
He reached in and pulled one out, Pokemon Red. He hadnt seen one in a long time. He didnt know what he thought next, but he reached in his desk and pulled out an old Gameboy. He received it a long time ago, but it still worked. It was his sons, but he had died a few years ago. His wife was gone too. That was then though. Popping in the cartridge in the back of the Gameboy he turned on the system.
The title screen. Then the option to continue or start a new game. Tanaka. That was the childs name, the one who played it first. He was probably dead, along with all the others. He pressed New Game, and started a new game. It was normal, average. He walked around, talked to his mother, went outside. He started walking towards the grass.
In his head, he could still hear Sousukes words. Even though he was not there, even though he had never seen the man in his life, he could still see him, hear him. Come follow me.
He was getting closer and closer, only a step or two away.
Roll the wheel, and who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself!
He entered the grass. The screen did nothing at first. Nothing at all. It just sat there, and so did the detective, completely frozen, as if time had stopped just for them. The screen went black. and then lit up again, the iconic green background with black text appearing.
The lead detectives weary eyes grew wide. He couldnt help but read out what was there in front of him.
Come follow me, come follow me, come follow me. I miss you dad, I miss you my husband, I miss you so much.
Tears formed in his eyes, falling down his cheeks. Screens and screens of text appeared and he rapidly clicked the A button to continue it. It was his wife and his child. They were speaking to him, calling to him, crying with him. They wanted to see him, they loved him, he loved them.
I love you too, muttered the man in a hoarse, scratching voice.
Come follow me, become new again. We want to see you and hold you, and be with you forever and ever and ever and ever.
Dont stay away. You can see us too.. We miss you.. Come follow me. We love yo--
A black screen. The detectives eyes grew wide, his jaw dropping. The screen lit back up, and Oak was leading him out of the grass. Come follow me, said Oak.
NO! shouted the man, dropping the game onto the floor. He quickly fell forward, reaching for it, bringing the screen back to his face. Bring them back, bring them back to me! The game continued on as usual, not responding to the detective at all. My wife, my child, listen to me! Bring them back to me, I said!
Voices... He heard voices, hundreds of voices. He turned around from his seat, looking behind him, and standing in his small room were children, many children.They were screaming, reaching towards him.
Bring back my mommy, bring back my daddy, bring back my pet! they all screamed out, reaching for the game. I dont want them to go away, bring them back to me, bring them back to me!
No! shouted the detective. Its mine! My family is here, dont touch it! Horror was across his face.
Come follow me... said a voice. The lead detective looked over, and in the corner of his room, next to an old desk, was Sousuke. He stood in the corner, tall, handsome, clean. A smile was on his face, stretching across his face. Come follow me...
The lead detective jumped up, stepping back, trying to force away the children crawling towards him, reaching out for the game held tightly within his hands. Wh-whats going on here!? Whats going on!? Where is my family!?
Sousuke smiled generously. Ill show you. Ill help you get away from them, you see? Just follow me. Sousuke reached down, and opened a drawer on the old desk. The lead detective, pushing through the crowd of children, trying to get away, looked inside.
Siting there, covered with dust, was his old gun from when he was on the force. He had not used that gun in many years and had put it away, not wanting to remember the things he had to do with it. But right now he didnt see it as something that caused pain or that killed. It was shining, it was light. It was something that could set him free.
Just follow me, said Sousuke, picking up the gun and putting it in the lead detectives hand. He formed his hand to hold the gun, then brought it up to his temple. Just pull the trigger. Thats all.
The lead detective turned around. The children were crawling at him, grabbing his legs and pulling at him. They reached for the game. He turned back towards Sousuke, and smiled.
My family... Ill follow you. He pulled the trigger. BANG
It was a few days before the body was discovered. It lay on the floor. In one hand held an empty gun, and in the other was a classic Gameboy with Pokemon Red on the back. The battery had long died, and only an empty, black screen was left.
This was the final murder that the remaining authorities would allow. The last detective who was ever a part of this case personally carried all 104 cartridges away, and burned them all, making sure not a single one survived. There would taunt no more.
However, this is not the end of the story. The code was said to have survived, and was even passed on to other language versions of the games. If you have an old Pokemon game, you can place the cartridge in the back of the classic Gameboy, turn on the system, and roll the wheel who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself.
Mwa ha ha ha ha... I'm gonna get out my Pokemon Red game and die... YAY!
CosmicProjectz wrote:
kimmy123 wrote:
I think I deleted all of the swears and bad stuff
During the first few days of the release of Pokemon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27, 1996, a peak of deaths appeared in the age group of 10-15.
The children were usually found dead through suicide, usually by jumping from heights. However, some were more odd..
The few children who were saved before killing themselves showed sporadic behavior. When asked why they were going to hurt themselves they only answered in chaotic screams and scratched at their own eyes. When showed what seemed to be the connection to this attitude, the gameboy, they had no response, but when combined with either Pokemon Red or Green, the screams would continue, and they would do their best to leave the room it was located in.
This confirmed the authorities suspicion that the games, somehow, had a connection to these children and the deaths. It was a strange case, because many children who had the same games did not show this behavior, but only a few. The police had no choice but to pursue this, since they had no other leads.
Collecting all the cartridges these children had purchased, they kept them sealed away as strong evidence to look over later. They decided the first thing to do was to talk to the programmers themselves. The first person they met was the director of the original games, Satoshi Tajiri. When told about the deaths surrounding his games, he seemed slightly uneasy, but admitted nothing. He lead them to the main programmers of the game, the people responsible for the actual content.
The detectives met Takenori Oota, one of the main programmers of the game. Unlike Satoshi, he did not seem uneasy, but very kept. Explaining that it was impossible to use something like a game to cause such deaths, and also bringing up the point that not all the children were affected, he brushed it off as some kind of odd coincidence or mass hysteria. It seemed like he was hiding something, but he wasnt giving way. Finally, he did say something interesting.
Takenori had heard a rumor going around that the music for Lavender Town, one of the locations in the game, had caused some children to go ill. It was only a rumor, and had no real definite back up, but it was still something to look into.
He directed the detectives to Junichi Masuda, the music composer of the series. Masuda had also heard of these rumors, but again said they had no evidence that his music was the cause. Even to prove a point he played the exact song from the game completely through with no effects to anyone, the detectives nor Masuda himself, feeling anything different or odd. Although they still had their suspicions of Masuda and the music of Lavender town, it seemed they had reached another dead end.
Going back to the cartridges they had seized from the homes of the children, they decided to take a slightly more direct look at the games. They knew that it was these games that gave the children the ill effects, so they took extreme caution. Popping in the cartridge and turning the console on, the game screen booted. The title screen appeared, and the option to continue or create a new game appeared.
When they chose to continue the game, stats of that game appeared. They saw the names of the children who had played, usually Red or another simple name. However, the interesting thing was the time played and the number of Pokemon they owned. On every game, the time was very low, and all of them had only a single Pokemon in their inventory. They came to the stunning reality that it could not have been the music from Lavender town that had caused such ill effects in the children, since it was impossible to reach that part of the game in such small amount of time and with only one Pokemon in their inventory. This brought them to the conclusion that something early on in the game had to be the cause.
If it wasnt the music, nor the title screen, it had to be something within the first few minutes of the game itself. They had no choice but to turn off the game now and go back to the programmers. Asking for a list of all the programmers from Takenori, they found, surprisingly, that one of the programmers had committed suicide shortly after the game was released. His name was Chiro Miura, a very obscure programmer who had provided very little for the game. Even more interestingly, he had requested his name did not appear in the credits of the game, and so it was not.
Looking over the evidence found at Chiros apartment, they found many notes written in bold marker. Most of it was crumbled, or marked out, making it very difficult to read. They few words they could find in the mess was Do not enter, Watch out and COME FOLLOW ME in bold. The detectives were unsure what these meant, but knew they had to have a connection. Further searching, they discovered Chiro was good friends with one of the map designers, Kohji Nisino, and this was probably the only reason Chiro had given a part in making the game.
Kohji Nisino, since the release of the game, had locked himself in his apartment, barely leaving in the dark of night to fetch anything he might need. He told his friends and family he was mourning for his dear friend Chiro, but they didnt believe this, since Nisino had locked himself up the day the game was put in stores, a few days before Chiro had killed himself.
It was troubling, but the authorities finally persuaded Nisnino to sit down and speak with them. He looked as if he hadnt slept in days, dark rings under his eyes. He stunk, his nails had grown black and his hair was greasy, sticking to his forehead and neck. He spoke in stutters and murmurs, but at least he had something to say.
When asked if he knew anything about the children who had died after exposure of the game and if it had any connection to the game, he answered them seemingly carefully, choosing his words thoughtfully before answering. He told them that his friend Chiro had an interesting idea with the game, something he had wanted to try since he heard the project was starting. Nisino himself knew Takenori, the director and main programmer, for a long time, so he could easily get a mediocre programmer in on the project with a little persuasion. It seemed Chiro had convinced Nisino to get him in on the project, and it had worked.
The detectives knew they were on to something. This unknown obscure programmer, Chiro, had to have something to do with it, something... They asked what Chiros idea was, why he wanted so badly to have a part in making this childrens game. Nisino told them that Chiro never told him much about it, other than a few details every now and then. He wanted to insert a special Pokemon in the game, one completely different from all the others. It would serve as an extra, a kind of out of place thrill for the player. It wasnt, however, Missing No. It couldnt be. With the gameplay time recorded on the cartridges, it was impossible for the children to have time to meet that Pokemon.
Nisino, throughout the entire conversation, seemed to break down even more with every question. The detectives pushed him more and more, searching through his mind for any and every scrap of knowledge this man had no game and Chiro... and Chiros intentions...
It was when they asked about the notes found in Chiros home that he snapped. From under the couch Nisino was sitting on he whipped out a pistol, pointing it straight at the police while backing away a few steps. Then, just as quickly, he brought the pistol to his face.
Dont follow me... muttered Nisino as he stuck the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It was too quick for the police to react. It was done. Nisino had killed himself, repeating slightly differently what was written on one of Chiros papers...
It seemed all leads had finally died. The team who had created this original game were splitting up, becoming harder to find. It was as if they were keeping a secret. When the police finally managed to talk with anyone who had parts in the game, even the obscure character designers or monster designers, it seemed they had nothing of interest to say. Most of them didnt even know Chiro, and the few who did only seen him once or twice working on the game itself. Throughout all of this the only confirmation they had was that Chiro was indeed the one who had worked on the very early parts of the game.
It had been a couple of months after the original children suicides and the death rate had dropped dramatically. It seemed that the game was no longer giving any ill effects to any children. The call back of the games that was planned was canceled, since it seemed the game was no longer harming any children. They had began to think that maybe Takenori was right and it was all just a very odd coincidence or mass hysteria... Until they received the letter.
It was given to one of the detectives himself, quite directly out on the street. It was a woman who gave him the note, a very frail, thin, sick looking thing. She gave him the letter quickly, telling him it was something he needed to see, and without waiting for a response or another word, she disappeared into the crowd. The detective brought it to his office, and calling the others in, he brought it out and read it aloud.
It was a letter written by Chiro himself, but it wasnt one found at his apartment. They had throughly searched and cleared out the place, so wherever this letter had come from, it wasnt kept at his home. It was signed to be given to Nisino. It started off quite formal, a hello, how are you, regards to the family, and such. After one or two of these normal paragraphs, they reached a section that requested Nisino to get him into the game team, to get him a programming position in Pokemon Red and Green.
As the letter continued, the handwriting seemed to grow more jittery. He talked about a glorious idea he had, a way to program something unseen in any game before. He said it would certainly revolutionize not only the gaming industry, but everyone. He went on to say that it was a very simple procedure to program this idea into the game. He did not even have to add any foreign programming, but could use what was already given in the game itself. This would, the detectives agreed, make it impossible to notice any obscurities in the programming itself. It was a perfect way to hide whatever this was.
The letter ended abruptly. There was no goodbye, no say hi to the family, no write back, or thank you. Nothing like that. It was just his name, written hard in the letter where the paper almost broke through. It was only his name. Chiro Miura.
This was the nail in the coffin for the detectives. They had no more suspicion about the cause. Chiro had programmed something into the early parts of the game, something maddening. To further increase this streak of success, they discovered that the programming team had worked in pairs, even Chiro himself. He had worked with another programmer, Sousuke Tamada.
If anyone knew what the secret in this game was, Sousuke Tamada would be the man. This was their final hope of unraveling this mystery once and for all.
They learned Sousuke had provided a lot of programming to the game, and seemed to be an average, good guy and worker. They were easily allowed into his home, a fair place, and they entered his living room where they sat. Sousuke did not sit, however. He stood by the window of the second story floor, looking out onto the busy street. He was smiling a little.
There is no direct witnesses to the events that followed. The only thing from this conversation that remained was found on a voice recorder sitting on the table in front of the two detectives assigned to talk to Sousuke.
Sousuke Tamada, what part did you have in the games Pokemon Red and Green? asked the first detective.
I was a programmer. His voice was light, friendly, almost too friendly. Thats all.
Am I right in knowing that the programmers working on the game worked in teams? asked the detective.
One could hear the voice of feet moving on the floor slightly. You would be right, said Sousuke after a moment of silence.
And your partner, his name was--The detective was quickly cut off by Sousuke eerie voice.
Chiro Miura... That was his name. Chiro Miura.
Another silence. It seemed the detectives were a little uneasy about this man. Could you tell us if Muira ever acted strange at all? Any particular behaviors you observed while working with him at all?
Sousuke answered them. I dont know him that well, really. We didnt meet up frequently, only every once in a while to trade data, or when the entire group was called up for a meeting... Thats the only times I really ever saw him. He acted normal, as far as I could tell. He was a short man, and I think this affected his consciousness.. He acted weaker than any other man I met. He was willing to do a lot of work to gain recognition, this I do know. I think...
Silence. Yes? asked the detective, pushing for him to continue. You think what?
I think he was a very weak man. I think he wanted to prove himself regardless of this point... I think he wanted to make himself known for something special, something that would make people forget about the way he looked and pay attention to the powerful mind that lay inside his skull.. Unfortunately for him, however.. heheh.. He didnt have much of a mind to back up that reasoning.
Why do you say that? asked the second detective.
Well its the simple truth, answered Sousuke quickly. His feet could be heard moving across the tiled floor. He was nothing special, even if he wanted to believe so. You cant become greatness, even if you believe it. Its impossible... Somehow, I think Chiro knew this himself, somewhere deep in there, he knew it.
The detectives were silent again, not sure how to steer the conversation. After a moment, they continued. Can you tell us what Chiros part of the game was? What did he work on exactly?
Sousuke answered more quickly than before. Nothing... I mean, nothing important. He worked on some obscure parts of the beginning of the game. A pause, then a little more information. It was Oaks part to be exact. He worked on some of Oaks parts... When hes seen first, you see..
What else? pushed the police. They could hear it in Sousukes voice. He knew something. We know you know about the children and the deaths. We know it was Chiro who did it. He programmed something in the game.
What are you implying? asked Sousuke. It sounded like he was trying to maintain his voice.
Were implying that since your his partner, if youre hiding something from us then you could just as much be responsible for those childrens deaths as Chiro is himself!
You cant prove anything! Sousuke shouted.
Tell us what Chiro did to the game! they shouted back.
Silence. Complete silence.
You want to know, huh? asked Sousuke finally, breaking the eerie silence, but replacing it with his voice. you want to know what is this all about? Chiro was an idiot. He'd do anything for a bit of attention, anything at all. He couldnt program worth a poop either. The one thing he could do, however, was be manipulated. You could tell him what to do, and hed do it. He wouldnt even question it, hed do it. Just to hear that thank you when you received the finish product, that was his reasons. Thats all he wanted.
Two clicks from the detectives guns could heard.
I could control him flawlessly. Hes a lot like Takenori... Of course none of you knew this, but I was the one who brought up the idea of the game, the idea of the entire operation. I just told the fellow what to do, and he followed me without doubt. He knows nothing, just like Chiro.
A sound of a window opening could be heard, follow by the detectives.
Dont move or well shoot!
Let me tell you about a mechanic in the game, continued Sousuke. His voice was more rushed, but it still held that slyness. Consider it a hint, alright? If you walk around in grassy areas enough a Pokemon will appear, and youll have the chance to go into battle with it. Its a necessary part of the game overall, you see?
Step away from the window! We wont warn you again!
At the start of the game you have to walk into the grassy area before Oak appears and you receive your first Pokemon, understand me? Under normal circumstances, it was programmed that even though youre in a grassy area, no Pokemon will spawn... I made it different. I manipulated that Chiro, told him what to put in the program, gave him all the instructions on how to do it, and he did it flawlessly. Its rare, but it can happen.. Stepping into that grass, one can spawn...
Sousuke, we dont want to shoot!
Shoot me? asked Souske, laughing at the same time. Shoot ME? Youre as dumb as Chiro was! Once he found out the truth, he had to end it! It was his fault after all! He shot himself because of it! If youre so determined to finish that case of yours, if you want to know, play the * game for yourself! Roll the wheel, and who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself!
A shot could be heard, loud enough to distort the audio. Sounds of screaming, murmuring could be heard. The table the recorder was on crashed. Ear shattering distortions. Silence. Then laughing. Sousuke was laughing, and then words. Come follow me... Come follow me... And then nothing.
The recorder continued to record until the tape ran out. There was nothing else on it. The police arrived on the scene quickly, and to their horror they discovered Sousuke and the two detectives dead. They had all been shot, but not after struggling. The detectives had been shot multiple times, at least ten each, before dying after being shot in between their eyes. Sousuke himself had clearly died of two hots to his chest, straight through the heart.
This game was causing a massacre. At least a hundred children were dead. Nisino, the unexpecting friend, dead. Chiro, the manipulated toy, dead. The two detectives, dead. And now, even the creator, the cause of this atrocity, Sousuke, dead. This game was stretching far over its original intentions. It was killing anyone and everyone who got involved.
The lead detective had decided to put this case away. He man who committed the crime was dead, so there was no longer any reason to continue the case. All evidence, all the cartridges, all the notes, all the letters, they were locked away, kept in the darkness where they belonged. There were talks about the entire thing, small conversations every now and then, but over the years even these began to fade away. Eventually, the case was only a memory in the minds of those who experienced it first hand.
Ten years passed. February 27, 2006 was the date. The lead detective, the man who locked away the original evidence ten years previous, was reminded of the awful event that occurred. Although he was no longer in the force, he still had access to files and was helped when he could. The reminder of the event caused him to look back, to open the sealed container that held all the evidence collected.
He read through the letters and the notes. He remembered the woman who had appeared to him on the street that one day and handed him that letter that lead to the change of the entire case. He wondered who she was, and where she had come from. Perhaps she was Chiros mother... or maybe Sousukes. It was far too late to pursue any of this. Far too late..
Sealing the container again, he saw a second one directly behind it. Pulling it out, he read the note on top of it. evidence #2012A He opened it up, and looked inside. Filling the container were exactly 104 Pokemon Red and Green cartridges, each one in perfect condition, untouched since the day they had last checked them ten years ago.
He reached in and pulled one out, Pokemon Red. He hadnt seen one in a long time. He didnt know what he thought next, but he reached in his desk and pulled out an old Gameboy. He received it a long time ago, but it still worked. It was his sons, but he had died a few years ago. His wife was gone too. That was then though. Popping in the cartridge in the back of the Gameboy he turned on the system.
The title screen. Then the option to continue or start a new game. Tanaka. That was the childs name, the one who played it first. He was probably dead, along with all the others. He pressed New Game, and started a new game. It was normal, average. He walked around, talked to his mother, went outside. He started walking towards the grass.
In his head, he could still hear Sousukes words. Even though he was not there, even though he had never seen the man in his life, he could still see him, hear him. Come follow me.
He was getting closer and closer, only a step or two away.
Roll the wheel, and who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself!
He entered the grass. The screen did nothing at first. Nothing at all. It just sat there, and so did the detective, completely frozen, as if time had stopped just for them. The screen went black. and then lit up again, the iconic green background with black text appearing.
The lead detectives weary eyes grew wide. He couldnt help but read out what was there in front of him.
Come follow me, come follow me, come follow me. I miss you dad, I miss you my husband, I miss you so much.
Tears formed in his eyes, falling down his cheeks. Screens and screens of text appeared and he rapidly clicked the A button to continue it. It was his wife and his child. They were speaking to him, calling to him, crying with him. They wanted to see him, they loved him, he loved them.
I love you too, muttered the man in a hoarse, scratching voice.
Come follow me, become new again. We want to see you and hold you, and be with you forever and ever and ever and ever.
Dont stay away. You can see us too.. We miss you.. Come follow me. We love yo--
A black screen. The detectives eyes grew wide, his jaw dropping. The screen lit back up, and Oak was leading him out of the grass. Come follow me, said Oak.
NO! shouted the man, dropping the game onto the floor. He quickly fell forward, reaching for it, bringing the screen back to his face. Bring them back, bring them back to me! The game continued on as usual, not responding to the detective at all. My wife, my child, listen to me! Bring them back to me, I said!
Voices... He heard voices, hundreds of voices. He turned around from his seat, looking behind him, and standing in his small room were children, many children.They were screaming, reaching towards him.
Bring back my mommy, bring back my daddy, bring back my pet! they all screamed out, reaching for the game. I dont want them to go away, bring them back to me, bring them back to me!
No! shouted the detective. Its mine! My family is here, dont touch it! Horror was across his face.
Come follow me... said a voice. The lead detective looked over, and in the corner of his room, next to an old desk, was Sousuke. He stood in the corner, tall, handsome, clean. A smile was on his face, stretching across his face. Come follow me...
The lead detective jumped up, stepping back, trying to force away the children crawling towards him, reaching out for the game held tightly within his hands. Wh-whats going on here!? Whats going on!? Where is my family!?
Sousuke smiled generously. Ill show you. Ill help you get away from them, you see? Just follow me. Sousuke reached down, and opened a drawer on the old desk. The lead detective, pushing through the crowd of children, trying to get away, looked inside.
Siting there, covered with dust, was his old gun from when he was on the force. He had not used that gun in many years and had put it away, not wanting to remember the things he had to do with it. But right now he didnt see it as something that caused pain or that killed. It was shining, it was light. It was something that could set him free.
Just follow me, said Sousuke, picking up the gun and putting it in the lead detectives hand. He formed his hand to hold the gun, then brought it up to his temple. Just pull the trigger. Thats all.
The lead detective turned around. The children were crawling at him, grabbing his legs and pulling at him. They reached for the game. He turned back towards Sousuke, and smiled.
My family... Ill follow you. He pulled the trigger. BANG
It was a few days before the body was discovered. It lay on the floor. In one hand held an empty gun, and in the other was a classic Gameboy with Pokemon Red on the back. The battery had long died, and only an empty, black screen was left.
This was the final murder that the remaining authorities would allow. The last detective who was ever a part of this case personally carried all 104 cartridges away, and burned them all, making sure not a single one survived. There would taunt no more.
However, this is not the end of the story. The code was said to have survived, and was even passed on to other language versions of the games. If you have an old Pokemon game, you can place the cartridge in the back of the classic Gameboy, turn on the system, and roll the wheel who knows? Maybe youll learn the secret for yourself.Mwa ha ha ha ha... I'm gonna get out my Pokemon Red game and die... YAY!
Ermm... That's not a good thing dude -_-
kimmy123 wrote:
The detectives knew they were on to something. This unknown obscure programmer, Chiro, had to have something to do with it, something... They asked what Chiros idea was, why he wanted so badly to have a part in making this childrens game. Nisino told them that Chiro never told him much about it, other than a few details every now and then. He wanted to insert a special Pokemon in the game, one completely different from all the others. It would serve as an extra, a kind of out of place thrill for the player. It wasnt, however, Missing No. It couldnt be. With the gameplay time recorded on the cartridges, it was impossible for the children to have time to meet that Pokemon.
Awh. I was gonna guess it was Missingno., or Missingo, whatever it's called.
CosmicProjectz wrote:
kimmy123 wrote:
The detectives knew they were on to something. This unknown obscure programmer, Chiro, had to have something to do with it, something... They asked what Chiros idea was, why he wanted so badly to have a part in making this childrens game. Nisino told them that Chiro never told him much about it, other than a few details every now and then. He wanted to insert a special Pokemon in the game, one completely different from all the others. It would serve as an extra, a kind of out of place thrill for the player. It wasnt, however, Missing No. It couldnt be. With the gameplay time recorded on the cartridges, it was impossible for the children to have time to meet that Pokemon.
Awh. I was gonna guess it was Missingno., or Missingo, whatever it's called.
Lol - It;s a pokemon that we will never know Or we will die :9
My first attempt at a creepypasta, hope you like it! By the way, I may had nightmares tonight.
This is completly fiction. I am not really insane
The Walls. They speak to me. They tell me of things I should not know, should not hear. But there was a time when I was free of this curse. How happy I was then. And how ignorant.
I bought a computer from this guy in Switzerland. He seemed eager to get rid of it. The price was insane, just as he was. He spoke in iambic pentameter, even through e-mail. I didn’t think this queer at the time, though it did make me think whether I should just buy a laptop from Newegg, rather then make deals with an obscure man, whose real name seemed not to exist. This did not, however, deter me from purchasing this laptop, which is the very thing that made me what I am today. An invisible. A nonexistent being.
Upon booting up this computer, it greeted me with this message:
“Swish Flash BOOM! Welcome to madness.”
I tried to ignore this, but it gnawed at my thoughts, interrupting my contemplation
of a Scratch project. I just HAD to know. I HAD to find out. And it HAD to be now.
There was absolutely no info on the internet about this OS, or the man who had apparently created it, who I suppose was the man I bought it from. This paradox, that I could find him yet not find him, kept me up at night, forcing me to research this mystery for weeks on end. And then, finally, I discovered the Help program, nestled in with some other, completely unrelated software. When opened, it again presented the message “Welcome to madness.” I was becoming suspicious at this point, and wondered if I should believe this message. I was already showing signs of acute insanity. I had actually had an out of body experience, along with catching myself talking to my left slipper. My eyes were always red-rimmed and sagging, my mouth spouting meaningless gibberish, my steps shuffling. I was a mental and physical wreck. I HAD to find out what this OS and its creator were, and if this man existed at all.
The help module was crazy, contradicting itself every other sentence. It drove me more insane, as I had to know what was going on. I saw things. Handrails sprouted snakes’ heads, and stairs pulsed and wriggled. I was very close to the edge.
And then, to distract myself, I opened “MADNESS MEDIA PLAYER”, which is one of the only functioning programs. I opened one of the default music files, and this is what I heard:
“I am coming for you. I am every thing, and I am nothing. I am no one, and I am everyone. I exist, and I do not exist. And I am coming.”
That is what pushed me over the edge.
And so, I will gladly welcome your happy tales of the outside world, as well as your visits to me in the Jupiter Lunatic Asylum, where you too can experience the utterances of the padded, yet demented, walls of my cell.
I welcome you.
@wmays-My computer sometimes acts even weirder than that, but I haven't gone insane so far.
The Room
I'm an avid reader of creepypasta. My grandfather introduced me. I guess it all started when he read me the Pokemon Black story at bedtime.
Now, I'm considered the local scare expert. People come to me for help on ghosts, strange happenings, cemetry hauntings and so on. Sometimes I'll consult my grandfather, and occasionally he would sigh and glanced at the room.
I was never allowed to enter that room. He forbid me, and my father always told me to respect his wishes. I know where the key was though. He kept it in a huge metal safe which he always said contained money. There was no money in that safe.
And then, suddenly, he passed away. A car accident, it was. He was visiting the local shop for a sale on Ghostbusters:The Real Thing, a popular book detailing how to spot and exsorcise ghosts. Surprisingly, most of it was through.
Anyway, some drunkard ran him down, just like that. I didn't think it was spirits or anything. According to my research and personal experience, if ghosts attacked him, he would have died mysteriously, not so obviously.
But when I came back from his funeral, his safe was hanging open, the key lying temptingly just there. I scooped it up and examined it carefully:just a small, normal key, nothing else. No strange runes scratched that may indicate supernatural forces, or, God forbid, a carving of a dying man.
Curious, I slid the key into the lock of the forbidden room and turned it. My mind told me that he must have forbidden it for a reason, that there may be anything inside, a pontianak, a Headless, a Wraith, even a playful "Pinching" ghost would cause me some trouble to fix it.
Still, I ignored it and proceeded into the room. My eyes were met by an unearthly sight. I was prepared for impossibly angled rooms filled with large round eyes that tracked my movements, human heads dangling from beams, three armed shimmering men and who knew what else.
But not this. At first, it appeared normal. But I quickly recognized it as a creepypasta hobbyist's heaven. An old TV with Candle Cove playing, pictures of the Slender Man, notebooks filled with research, eyewitness reports and a link to a website about the Rake, old and suspicious looking Pokemon games lying in a corner, a dissected copy of Majora's Mask on a wooden desk with clawed feet, and even models of a bleeding Pikachu hanging from the ceiling.
I had no idea how my grandfather was collecting these things, but I do know one thing-I had to, no matter how much I struggled against it, stay in this room, forever. It was too fascinating. More fascinating than my dull life....
Imperfect Transition
I was sitting in the upstairs office of the Museum with a cup of coffee when it happened. It had been a long day, and I’d set the work experience kid the seemingly un****upable task of dusting the exhibits- after repeating my warning, of course, that some of them must not be touched or opened. A terrified scream, quickly strangled by a building-shaking thump and an awful rending sound, brought me rushing downstairs.
The mirror room- I knew it. In there, there hung an ancient mirror, about a foot around, made of polished obsidian. Behind the glass walls of its display case, it was harmless- although people amusingly reported seeing the face of an evil hag in it on occasion. Looking at it unprotected was madness, though- certainly for those without my knowledge of the old ways.
I arrived in the mirror room, and a horrible smell hung in the air. On the floor lay half a body- the lower half, still in the clothes I recognised from earlier. The skin had been stretched purple and torn away, and the organs inside that hadn’t been torn free leaked their contents onto the floor. The legs were at the bottom of a maroon spray that started below the wooden case of the mirror, and the hipbone lay almost against the wall.
The case was broken- the wooden sides pushed outwards. Clumps of hair, matted with skin and blood, stuck to the frame of the mirror. Concentrating now, I stepped in front of the black disc, my sandals carefully placed either side of the bile-sprayed limbs and pool of blood on the floor. Looking into the dark reflection of the room, I saw my double once more. In her hand was a pale arm that led down to a broken form, and a trail of darkness. Sure enough, when she lifted the half-corpse into the air, I recognised the shattered and stretched face.
Credit to creepypasta.
Last edited by fallengames (2011-05-30 14:19:45)