Okay, I want to post a comment or topic on the miscellaneous forum, but it won't let me! Can you help? Please? Pretty pretty please with chocolate syrup, caramel, sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate chips, cookies, pudding, butterscotch, M&Ms, starbursts, lifesavers, creamcheese, nuts, muffins, cupcakes, licorice, icing, gumdrops, Three Musketeers, Milkyways, Twix, chopped-up strawberries, cherries, hot fudge, cake, brownies, and other deliciously wonderful desserts, candies, and sweet fruits on top?
Wait to become a regular scratcher. You're not the only one.
You must have the "Srcatcher" status to post in Misc. keep Scratching and you will get it soon