I'm responsible for a scratch learning course at a German school ( www.mcs-juniorakademie.de ) and we have a lot of fun with Scratch, but we have great problems with the Scratch-Homepage at the class room PCs:
1. Uploading from Scratch does not work: The percentage bar stops always at aproximately 10% and doesn't move on, while there is no kind of error-message.
2. If students try to log in at www.scratch.mit.edu they always see changing accounts of their class mates, sitting next to them. You can't log in orderly. We can't work that way at the Scratch-homepage.
The network-Admin of the School already invested many hours to solve that problem and found out, that it probably is caused by a Novel-Proxy-Server. The German FAQ http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2420 says, that Scratch does not work with Proxy-Servers in general (btw. can you make the German FAQ sticky at top of the German board?). When I type "proxy" or "Proxi-Server" in the Forum-Search-Box, I get no results but that German one, that perhaps may be outdated.
Our school-Admin told me, that Proxy-Servers are very common at many schools and therefor Scratch is perhaps not suitable for many schools.
Dear Andres (http://scratch.mit.edu/users/andresmh): I know that you are responsible for the Scratch-Server-Programming. Please tell me that this is not true and there will be a solution to our problem. Many of the young students (and me) are urgently waiting for a solution, because we hope to use Scratch at that school more intensive and for a long time. If that problem with the Proxy has no solution, long-term-scratch-usage will not be certain, because one of the most interesting features of Scratch is missing. Our Admin doesn't want to remove the Proxy for certain reasons.
If anybody has the same problem at their school please tell here!
Thank you in advance for your help!
a) What browser you are using and what version.
b) The operating system you're using.
Windows XP
c) The kind of computer you're using.
Intel PC
d) The exact error if you get and the URL.
no exact error, description of behavior above
e) If you do not get an error but the site doesn't do what you expected tell us what it does.
description of behavior above
f) A screenshot is very useful. Post one if possible.
problem seems to be clear without screenshot. If you want one please ask.
g) Tell us what kind of connection you have. Example: I am connected via DSL on a home network with a Wireless router behind a firewall. If you don't know, ask someone who can tell you
a DSL-connection of a school in a classroom. There is a router and a proxy in that network. If we connect before the proxy there is no problem. The Proxy-Server is a Novel PC with Version 6 (or so). Problem is - as we know - the proxy, but what can we do???
Last edited by MartinWollenweber (2008-11-11 11:54:48)