Hi, my name is cecilia and i'm using scracth as a school tool for learning programmation...
I've posted one project called abecedario, this is suposed to be my final term project, but it is too weak...
Please i'm very new using this and I don't know how to use the program, Could someone make me the project or help me structuring it?? I want to do a game that involves two things: the first one is like a learning blackboard where the vowels are shown and the kids -because the game is made for kids- have to learn them. The second part is a game where the vowels are shown randomly in the blackboard and the kids have to press the button of the letter shown on the screen...
Please help me
For number two...
Make 5 costumes with the images of A E I O U in them. Then use this script.
if <<(costume #) = [1]> and <key [a] pressed?>> [do what you want to do] if <<(costume #) = [2]> and <key [e] pressed?>> [do what you want to do] if <<(costume #) = [3]> and <key [i] pressed?>> [do what you want to do] if <<(costume #) = [4]> and <key [o] pressed?>> [do what you want to do] if <<(costume #) = [5]> and <key [u] pressed?>> [do what you want to do]