I thought that there could be a line at the top or bottom of the description that says "Partial credit to __________." IF it was remixed. That way, we could at least have credit for our art. Thanks
well, if a project is remixed it does say: Based on _________'s project at the bottom of the project.
MoreGamesNow wrote:
well, if a project is remixed it does say: Based on _________'s project at the bottom of the project.
there is a way around it supposedly...
Pecola1 wrote:
MoreGamesNow wrote:
well, if a project is remixed it does say: Based on _________'s project at the bottom of the project.
there is a way around it supposedly...
You can import the project into a blank one, which erases the metadata. (Don't go using that trick now; give credit where credit is due!) I think the remix credit that MoreGamesNow mentioned is sufficient though. It's not like this idea would fix that.
Harakou wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
MoreGamesNow wrote:
well, if a project is remixed it does say: Based on _________'s project at the bottom of the project.
there is a way around it supposedly...
You can import the project into a blank one, which erases the metadata. (Don't go using that trick now; give credit where credit is due!) I think the remix credit that MoreGamesNow mentioned is sufficient though. It's not like this idea would fix that.
If it was stamped in project notes it could! The project notes import don't they?
Pecola1 wrote:
Harakou wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
there is a way around it supposedly...You can import the project into a blank one, which erases the metadata. (Don't go using that trick now; give credit where credit is due!) I think the remix credit that MoreGamesNow mentioned is sufficient though. It's not like this idea would fix that.
If it was stamped in project notes it could! The project notes import don't they?
I think so, but right now they're just plain text. How would you keep that from being edited?
Harakou wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
Harakou wrote:
You can import the project into a blank one, which erases the metadata. (Don't go using that trick now; give credit where credit is due!) I think the remix credit that MoreGamesNow mentioned is sufficient though. It's not like this idea would fix that.If it was stamped in project notes it could! The project notes import don't they?
I think so, but right now they're just plain text. How would you keep that from being edited?
In the source the variable projectNotes or whatever it is could have 'Based on Users project' then it would replace all after the Based on ..., or whatever it would be able to be hacked though.