Hello people. For a while now, I've been experimenting actual 3d on a scratch project, if you check out my project: Really Cool 3d Cross-eyed Trick, that has a bit of 3d in it, if you know how to use it right. Once I got 3d with 3d glasses down I will be experimenting with actual 3d without 3d glasses, sort of like the 3ds (which is really awesome btw, if you have one add my friend code and give me yours. My friend code is 3695-0048-9917). If I ever find out the solution of real 3d, I'll write a post. I'm sure many scratchers have already suceeded in this experiment. SO, yeah, this was a pointless post.
Please reply with your 3ds friend code to this link. Bye.
If you want to make 3d in Scratch, check out AddZero's projects! You will probably get inspired by them. He has many a nice project that has 3d objects. Also, making projects that require 3d glasses probably need you to use an external software to create the images. 3d in Scratch like the Nintendo 3DS would be very difficult to make, because the 3DS has special hardware and a special screen to simulate a three dimensional environment. All difficulties aside, I wish you good luck in making your three dimensional projects!
My code is 0602-6432-2138
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