There's only two blocks that can use the mic, both are in the "Sensing" category.
The first is "(loudness)". This block senses how loud the sound coming from the mic is, on a scale of 1-100. The other block is <loud?>, which senses if the sound outside is, well, loud.
Those are the only blocks that use the mic, but experiment with it, because there's actually a lot you can do with them!
Last edited by hmnwilson (2011-05-17 19:23:53)
hmnwilson wrote:
There's only two blocks that can use the mic, both are in the "Sensing" category.
The first is "(loudness)". This block senses how loud the sound coming from the mic is, on a scale of 1-100. The other block is <loud?>, which senses if the sound outside is, well, loud.
Those are the only blocks that use the mic, but experiment around with it. There's actually a lot you can do!
if you want examples, look at the most current SDS (scratch design studio) "Loudness Lollapalooza!"
looking forward to scratcher status and the lack of the 360 rule ... especially the 360 rule as i am trying to wait it out by typing this fake sig... and i can't use img tags?