excuse for my english
I am looking for teatchet all over the world who work with their pupils with scratch.
The aim is to create a worl contest (only to play without something to win)
All the ideas are good
I have some ideas but i am waiting for yours
Bonjour Christophe,
I teach in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. I've been in touch with a few educators in other countries about student connections, but we're pretty slow to get anything going. What do you have in mind? I work with ten and eleven year olds.
(Je voudrais essayser un response en francaise mais rats I can't even remember this little bit! )
i put the beginning of the project in http://scratch.mit.edu/users/laotseut
I want that my pupils make a programm to do what i want.
Make a spirit who is able to
eat (disaspear) the red
transform the yellow in black flower
don't touch the blue flower
if you are interrssing it's ok for me
If you are compiling a list of teachers world-wide who may be interested, count me in.
I would suggest a collaborative element - rather than pure competition. Pair - up small groups of students from different schools for a more complex project.
I like the idea of a script as a starting point, with a problem to solve - perhaps different topics on the same theme for each age-group?
Christophe, vous parlez Anglais meilleur que je parle Francais.
I like the idea of students from different countries working together on a project. I currently work with students, ages 9-12, and I would love for them to have the opportunity to collaborate with other students there age.
Any ideas how to begin?
Is there a way for students to "talk" to each other, through the scratch website? Or is there another on-line tool that they could use?
fulek wrote:
I'm Marek from Poland. My pupils are 10-12 years old. We use Scratch during our IT lessons. We can join to colaboration
Dzien Dobry Marku,
Bardzo ucieszył mnie twój post. Ja jestem 13 letnim uczniem i bardzo chciałbym żebysmy uzywali scratcha na lekcjach. W jakim mieście mieszkasz? W jaki sposób wprowadziłeś Scratcha do programu zajęć?
Good Morning Marek,
I was really happy when I read your post. I am 13 year-old student and I really want to use Scratch on our lessons. What city do you live in? How did you put Scratch to lessons schedule?
Normalnie w programie szkoły podstawowej są podstawowe zagadnienia algorytmiczne, a ponieważ nie mam w szkole logomocji używam do tego scratcha a dzieciaki się dobrze przy tym bawią.