Now when you first clicked this, what did you think, 'Mod' Meant? This overused word in scratch is what I am asking about. But I am asking first, for a poll, which one did you think of?
66.666...% - 2 people Scratch Modification
0% - 0 people The ( () mod () ) block
33.333...% - 1 people Moderator
0% - 0 people None Of The Above
Now for the second question, is there a way, and I know there is, without a mod block, to make a mod block on BYOB? (or a script on scratch, I mainly want a Scratch script) I made it once but when I finally got it to work, I forgot to save it.
Please help!
Last edited by Pecola1 (2011-05-11 19:29:30)
I thought this was related to MODifications {
gbear605 wrote:
I thought this was related to MODifications
Can you help?
Well, in posts i generaly think of "mod" as moderator unless it's under advanced topics not sure about your second question though
I instantly thought of the topic as some complaint about Moderators ( which is what I think Mod usually stands for ). I find this as an interesting survey. Would be interesting to see what "Mod" is used most by.
Last edited by Magnie (2011-05-12 22:09:48)
The mod block - it's one of my favorites because it helps in calculators.
EDIT: Afterwards you should repost this in Miscellaneous and compare the results
Last edited by Chrischb (2011-05-12 22:55:25)
At first I thought modification but then I saw it's in AAS and thought moderator.
Works for positive numbers as a workaround.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-05-12 23:34:08)
1906010 wrote:
I looked at the topic to see what it was about, so I guess you could say none of the above for me.
^^^^^ This.
I wondered which one you were talking about so I clicked it to find out.
gettysburg11 wrote:
1906010 wrote:
I looked at the topic to see what it was about, so I guess you could say none of the above for me.
^^^^^ This.
I wondered which one you were talking about so I clicked it to find out.
Hmm instead I'd recommend figuring out what you think of first when someone says 'mod', regardless of whether it was in a thread name or not.
Chrischb wrote:
gettysburg11 wrote:
1906010 wrote:
I looked at the topic to see what it was about, so I guess you could say none of the above for me.
^^^^^ This.
I wondered which one you were talking about so I clicked it to find out.Hmm instead I'd recommend figuring out what you think of first when someone says 'mod', regardless of whether it was in a thread name or not.
I kind of thought of them both so close to each other that I couldn't remember which one I thought of first.
gettysburg11 wrote:
Chrischb wrote:
gettysburg11 wrote:
^^^^^ This.
I wondered which one you were talking about so I clicked it to find out.Hmm instead I'd recommend figuring out what you think of first when someone says 'mod', regardless of whether it was in a thread name or not.
I kind of thought of them both so close to each other that I couldn't remember which one I thought of first.
You thought of “Mod” as in “Mod”, duh.
For a script:
answer set to no1/no2
answer set to (round (answer - 0.5) )
answer set to (answer * no2)
answer set to (no1 - answer)
should work.