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#101 2008-11-04 19:37:46

Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

half_life_2 wrote:

So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?

Yes. You looked at McCain's website before you looked at Obama's website, and clearly, he diverted you from realizing that HE sucked so you say that Obama sucks, even though U.S. politics is really just a big contest to make the other party look evil.

P.S. Shut up about abortion!!! IT'S PERFECTLY FINE!!! Here's another thing for you people to argue about: Should Pluto be a planet?



#102 2008-11-04 19:40:50

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

big-bang wrote:

half_life_2 wrote:

So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?

Yes. You looked at McCain's website before you looked at Obama's website, and clearly, he diverted you from realizing that HE sucked so you say that Obama sucks, even though U.S. politics is really just a big contest to make the other party look evil.

P.S. Shut up about abortion!!! IT'S PERFECTLY FINE!!! Here's another thing for you people to argue about: Should Pluto be a planet?

What makes you think abortion is perfectly fine?

Pluto is a trivial matter, there are more important things to worry about.



#103 2008-11-04 19:46:31

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Zelda123 wrote:

zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:

archmage wrote:

That depends on how you define life. Is a unborn fetus a living person? There have been many debates on this issue and many people have differing opinions.

Abortion is a silly reason to vote for someone anyways. Consider how that person will run your country instead.

It is not that silly. She could at least put her baby up for adoption instead of killing the baby.

By the time the person decides whether or not to abort, the baby is already alive. Anyways, if it isn't, it will become a life.

Abortion is part of running the country. It is a matter of life and death.

No doctor will perform an abortion on a developed fetus, it's just not ethical. Most abortions take place before the fetus is developed and able to feel pain.

Hi, I am Archmage coder extraordinaire. I do Scratch,pascal,java,php,html, AS2 and AS3. Leave me a message if you want coding advice. Also check out my personal website, lots of good stuff about web development, Flash, and Scratch (v1 and v2) !



#104 2008-11-04 19:52:41

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

If I was a U.S. citizen (I am not) I would vote for whoever would be able to get the country out of its public debt. I can't see any burdens that abortion would cause a country (other than emotional upset) but if the U.S. doesn't get out of debt then they will cease to be a super power and there will be a huge depression.

Thats enough from me. I won't make any more posts on this thread. I've already stated my views.

Nevermind, just 1 more.

Last edited by archmage (2008-11-04 20:27:53)

Hi, I am Archmage coder extraordinaire. I do Scratch,pascal,java,php,html, AS2 and AS3. Leave me a message if you want coding advice. Also check out my personal website, lots of good stuff about web development, Flash, and Scratch (v1 and v2) !



#105 2008-11-04 20:23:37

Registered: 2008-04-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

archmage wrote:

If I was a U.S. citizen (I am not) I would vote for whoever would be able to get the country out of its public debt. I can't see any burdens that abortion would cause a country (other than emotional upset) but if the U.S. doesn't get out of debt then they will cease to be a super power and there will be a huge depression.

Thats enough from me. I won't make any more posts on this thread. I've already stated my views.

Dude, I am with you. I don't care if a person wants there baby killed. There choice, none of my business. I think we should stop giving money to other countries until WE FINALLY LOSE THE STINKIN 10 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT!!! You don't throw some one a life jacket when you are ten feet under water!



#106 2008-11-04 20:29:38

Registered: 2008-06-12
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

I want Mcain because of not how good he is, but because of how bad Obama is. He says that if America doesn't elect him, it's racism. It really isn't. Obbama also takes NOTHING seriously.



#107 2008-11-04 20:37:18

Registered: 2007-05-18
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Bobby500 wrote:

archmage wrote:

If I was a U.S. citizen (I am not) I would vote for whoever would be able to get the country out of its public debt. I can't see any burdens that abortion would cause a country (other than emotional upset) but if the U.S. doesn't get out of debt then they will cease to be a super power and there will be a huge depression.

Thats enough from me. I won't make any more posts on this thread. I've already stated my views.

Dude, I am with you. I don't care if a person wants there baby killed. There choice, none of my business. I think we should stop giving money to other countries until WE FINALLY LOSE THE STINKIN 10 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT!!! You don't throw some one a life jacket when you are ten feet under water!

When I consider the importance of things such as abortion I consider the impact it will have on myself and people I know. How does abortion impact myself or people I know? It doesn't. Now how will public debt affect me? Well, I might lose my job, the currency will become unstable, I won't be able to afford what I once would, and I am ruining my childrens' future.

Obama summed up my feeling about abortion in this youtube vid.

In it, he says that women should have control over their bodies and he trusts the judgment of women who choose to get an abortion.

In my media and business classes we have been talking about the U.S. elections a lot because Canada is very influenced by what happens in the U.S. If the U.S. suffers financially Canada will go down with it because we do most of our bussiness with the U.S.

Very last post, I promise  wink

Hi, I am Archmage coder extraordinaire. I do Scratch,pascal,java,php,html, AS2 and AS3. Leave me a message if you want coding advice. Also check out my personal website, lots of good stuff about web development, Flash, and Scratch (v1 and v2) !



#108 2008-11-05 16:14:32

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Bluestribute wrote:

Since the race is heating up, talk about it here. Like who you want, some stuff about the politics etc.

I absolutely dislike Barack Obama. When you consider his friend bombed the Pentagon, he got his house from some guy in jail, and told some other country (I think Germany) America is an evil empire, it doesn't really make me wanna vote for him (I'll look this up to make sure too, though I know the guy they bought their house from IS in jail for fraud and Obama's friend bombed the pentagon via news and radio). I don't really care about race. Just who is most qualified. The most qualified was Mitt Romney but he is dropped out… and at least McCain is patriotic and likes America (even Obama's wife said she hates America). And McCain just announced Sarah Palin as his VP. And Obama said he was going to do something unconstitutional (the part about crossing stuff off the budget list is illegal). And I aso just found this quote from Obama himself about his speech:

Barack Obama: "It was the greatest speech ever given. It was like God Himself was speaking through me and then I realized: I'm God.".

Wow. He is really full of himself- makes a custom built stand for the speech, signs autographs, costs my capital city billions of dollars, makes a huge deal about nothing (who cares if it was the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech and Barack was speaking. Personally, kinda ruined the holiday…) among other things.

Well, you see I really dislike Obama ( a lot! He wouldn't even wear the American Flag on 9/11!). What are your political views?

Bluestribute wrote:

dingdong wrote:


Why Obama? All he is gonna do is raise taxes and ruin the economy, maybe even this country. You want some guy who's friend bombed the pentagon (now that was heard from several sources like the news) to run your country? A guy with no foreign experience?

ok, how could you say this???? None of that stuff about Obama not liking America is NOT true. and sure, his friend may have bombed the Pentagon, but Obama isnt his friend, now is he? and his friend isnt running, so what does it matter. just because Obama is African American doesnt mean he will betray us to our enemies or some dumb conspiracy theory like that. OBAMA IS NOT EVEN MUSLIM! He's Christian! And I don't believe the quote about Obama being god.

Ok, onto the second thing. Obama is LOWERING taxes. Well, atleast for those who need lower taxes. Obama's tax plan make rich people pay more, and less weathy people pay less. Rich people do not need more money than they need, so why does it matter? He is evening out the taxes! If you have no money, let alone money to pay taxes with, then why should you have to?

Not that your opinion matters as much any more, as OBAMA WON!!!
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#109 2008-11-05 17:34:27

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 48

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

Bluestribute wrote:

Since the race is heating up, talk about it here. Like who you want, some stuff about the politics etc.

I absolutely dislike Barack Obama. When you consider his friend bombed the Pentagon, he got his house from some guy in jail, and told some other country (I think Germany) America is an evil empire, it doesn't really make me wanna vote for him (I'll look this up to make sure too, though I know the guy they bought their house from IS in jail for fraud and Obama's friend bombed the pentagon via news and radio). I don't really care about race. Just who is most qualified. The most qualified was Mitt Romney but he is dropped out… and at least McCain is patriotic and likes America (even Obama's wife said she hates America). And McCain just announced Sarah Palin as his VP. And Obama said he was going to do something unconstitutional (the part about crossing stuff off the budget list is illegal). And I aso just found this quote from Obama himself about his speech:

Barack Obama: "It was the greatest speech ever given. It was like God Himself was speaking through me and then I realized: I'm God.".

Wow. He is really full of himself- makes a custom built stand for the speech, signs autographs, costs my capital city billions of dollars, makes a huge deal about nothing (who cares if it was the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech and Barack was speaking. Personally, kinda ruined the holiday…) among other things.

Well, you see I really dislike Obama ( a lot! He wouldn't even wear the American Flag on 9/11!). What are your political views?

Bluestribute wrote:

dingdong wrote:


Why Obama? All he is gonna do is raise taxes and ruin the economy, maybe even this country. You want some guy who's friend bombed the pentagon (now that was heard from several sources like the news) to run your country? A guy with no foreign experience?

ok, how could you say this???? None of that stuff about Obama not liking America is NOT true. and sure, his friend may have bombed the Pentagon, but Obama isnt his friend, now is he? and his friend isnt running, so what does it matter. just because Obama is African American doesnt mean he will betray us to our enemies or some dumb conspiracy theory like that. OBAMA IS NOT EVEN MUSLIM! He's Christian! And I don't believe the quote about Obama being god.

Ok, onto the second thing. Obama is LOWERING taxes. Well, atleast for those who need lower taxes. Obama's tax plan make rich people pay more, and less weathy people pay less. Rich people do not need more money than they need, so why does it matter? He is evening out the taxes! If you have no money, let alone money to pay taxes with, then why should you have to?

Not that your opinion matters as much any more, as OBAMA WON!!!

Did I say i hate him because he is black? You are the racist one, choosing skin color over experience. You saw a black man and said screw the white guy- the one with experience and knowledge. And he knows Ayers very well. In fact, he announced his presidency at Ayers house. And Obama finds out flag/anthem very offensive to other countries, as said by Barack himself when asked why he doesn't put his hand over his heart.

He is taxing big companies. To pay off the tax, they will lay off employee's or raise their prices. Instead of that $100.00 bike you wanted, now it's $250.00 so they can pay off Obama's taxes. And you really know nothing about his religion. I have heard he is still Muslim, I have heard he is Christian, heck I even heard he was Atheist. All I can say is this:

Not to be racist, but how could you vote for him if:

You were Jewish? He had somewhere from a group who kill Jews on his campaign.

You were white. From what I heard from his book ,as well as his priest, he is very racist towards whites.

You were patriotic? He finds our flag/anthem offensive when he was asked why he doesn't cross his hand over his heart during an interview, this was his answer.

Apparently, America just doesn't care, or not to get racist, but a bunch or Christian, black, unpatriotic people (of course the Christians and unpatriotics are white too as well as black). Not to be racist, but you are actually the racist one FunkyMonkey



#110 2008-11-05 17:40:09

Registered: 2008-04-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

I love slapstick arguements. They are so obviously not planned out that its hilarious how they contradict each post.  big_smile



#111 2008-11-05 17:57:33

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

McCain08 wrote:

Did I say i hate him because he is black? You are the racist one, choosing skin color over experience. You saw a black man and said screw the white guy- the one with experience and knowledge. And he knows Ayers very well. In fact, he announced his presidency at Ayers house. And Obama finds out flag/anthem very offensive to other countries, as said by Barack himself when asked why he doesn't put his hand over his heart.

He is taxing big companies. To pay off the tax, they will lay off employee's or raise their prices. Instead of that $100.00 bike you wanted, now it's $250.00 so they can pay off Obama's taxes. And you really know nothing about his religion. I have heard he is still Muslim, I have heard he is Christian, heck I even heard he was Atheist. All I can say is this:

Not to be racist, but how could you vote for him if:

You were Jewish? He had somewhere from a group who kill Jews on his campaign.

You were white. From what I heard from his book ,as well as his priest, he is very racist towards whites.

You were patriotic? He finds our flag/anthem offensive when he was asked why he doesn't cross his hand over his heart during an interview, this was his answer.

Apparently, America just doesn't care, or not to get racist, but a bunch or Christian, black, unpatriotic people (of course the Christians and unpatriotics are white too as well as black). Not to be racist, but you are actually the racist one FunkyMonkey

im not choosing him over race or experience, Obama's just the better candidate. Race should have mothing do do with who becomes president. why do you like McCain so much? He would probably die in office and then we'd have the idiot Sarah Palin as president.
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#112 2008-11-05 17:59:24

Registered: 2007-07-30
Posts: 500+

Re: Politics

Bobby500 wrote:

I love slapstick arguements. They are so obviously not planned out that its hilarious how they contradict each post.  big_smile

*claps* Thats how I feel. Anyway, Idont get why people are already making accusations on what is going to happen. we will never know until January. Until then all we can do is sit back and wait until Obama moves into the white house.

BTW: I supported Obama in this election but im actually an Independent.

Last edited by torterra (2008-11-05 18:00:15)

Fear my infinite capability of memes! >8D



#113 2008-11-05 18:37:43

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Zelda123 wrote:

I think Obama is too young and has not enough experience to be president. Although he had a lot of momentum in the primaries and was able to receive more votes than Hillary Clinton, it's hard to keep it up.

Even with George Bush, the current Republican president, I think MCcain will still be able to win. Some states will never vote for democrats and he made a smart choice by picking Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin as Vice President. She's a woman and 44 years old, so he can buy over the women and younger votes at the same time. It will also give his campaign a fresher appearance.

Palin can "buy over women"? yeah right. she is a disgrace to women. she has even less experience than Obama, and is the governer of ALASKA! she shoots deer out of a helicopter. besides, she really isnt that smart. and besides, the states that McCain won were sucky states with hardley any electoral votes.
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#114 2008-11-05 18:42:41

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Bluestribute wrote:

Barack Hussein Obama:

Great speaker
Raise taxes
Didn't wear American flag on 9/11
Friends with Bill Ayer (pentagon bomber)
take out troops

his middle name is not a myth, but just because thats his middle name he isnt involved in terrorism. that is one of the racist things ive heard if you think that just because Obama's middle name is Hussein he is invloved in terrorism.

and I am an American, ive lived here my whole life, and i didnt wear an american flag on 9/11.
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#115 2008-11-05 19:13:09

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

McCain08 wrote:

Did I say i hate him because he is black? You are the racist one, choosing skin color over experience. You saw a black man and said screw the white guy- the one with experience and knowledge. And he knows Ayers very well. In fact, he announced his presidency at Ayers house. And Obama finds out flag/anthem very offensive to other countries, as said by Barack himself when asked why he doesn't put his hand over his heart.

He is taxing big companies. To pay off the tax, they will lay off employee's or raise their prices. Instead of that $100.00 bike you wanted, now it's $250.00 so they can pay off Obama's taxes. And you really know nothing about his religion. I have heard he is still Muslim, I have heard he is Christian, heck I even heard he was Atheist. All I can say is this:

Not to be racist, but how could you vote for him if:

You were Jewish? He had somewhere from a group who kill Jews on his campaign.

You were white. From what I heard from his book ,as well as his priest, he is very racist towards whites.

You were patriotic? He finds our flag/anthem offensive when he was asked why he doesn't cross his hand over his heart during an interview, this was his answer.

Apparently, America just doesn't care, or not to get racist, but a bunch or Christian, black, unpatriotic people (of course the Christians and unpatriotics are white too as well as black). Not to be racist, but you are actually the racist one FunkyMonkey

im not choosing him over race or experience, Obama's just the better candidate. Race should have mothing do do with who becomes president. why do you like McCain so much? He would probably die in office and then we'd have the idiot Sarah Palin as president.

McCain's is fine and healthy. It's not like he's walking around on a cane or something. Anyone could die in office.

What makes Sarah Palin such an "idiot" to you?



#116 2008-11-05 19:24:31

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Zelda123 wrote:

McCain's is fine and healthy. It's not like he's walking around on a cane or something. Anyone could die in office.

What makes Sarah Palin such an "idiot" to you?

mccain cant raise his arm above his head. and he's the oldest person ever to run for president, so he's more likley to die in office than anyone else.

Palin thinks she can see Russia from her house. She's a "hockey mom" married to "joe six-pack." besides watch clips of sarah palin and tina fey on saturday night live. hilarious

EDIT: here's a link to the videos:

Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-11-05 19:26:37)
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#117 2008-11-05 19:39:22

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

Zelda123 wrote:

McCain's is fine and healthy. It's not like he's walking around on a cane or something. Anyone could die in office.

What makes Sarah Palin such an "idiot" to you?

mccain cant raise his arm above his head. and he's the oldest person ever to run for president, so he's more likley to die in office than anyone else.

Palin thinks she can see Russia from her house. She's a "hockey mom" married to "joe six-pack." besides watch clips of sarah palin and tina fey on saturday night live. hilarious

EDIT: here's a link to the videos:

Age doesn't make a person more likely to die. A middle-aged man with a deadly disease is more likely to die than a healthy 71-year-old.



#118 2008-11-05 19:48:32

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

... yeah, but an older heathy person is more likley to die than a younger heathy person.

what makes you like McCain?

Last edited by funkymonkey (2008-11-05 19:49:32)
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#119 2008-11-05 20:00:12

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

... yeah, but an older heathy person is more likley to die than a younger heathy person.

what makes you like McCain?

More experience and he's a republican.



#120 2008-11-05 20:01:39

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Also, McCain's health has been a big question for many people, but he proved he was healthy many times. His health is more certain and known than Obama's.



#121 2008-11-05 20:03:14

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

Zelda123 wrote:

funkymonkey wrote:

... yeah, but an older heathy person is more likley to die than a younger heathy person.

what makes you like McCain?

More experience and he's a republican.

is that really all? many republicans have voted democratic this year because they disliked mccain so much. and what kind of experience do you believe Obama is lacking?
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#122 2008-11-05 20:15:20

Registered: 2007-11-21
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

Zelda123 wrote:

funkymonkey wrote:

... yeah, but an older heathy person is more likley to die than a younger heathy person.

what makes you like McCain?

More experience and he's a republican.

is that really all? many republicans have voted democratic this year because they disliked mccain so much. and what kind of experience do you believe Obama is lacking?

Actually many Republicans have been voting Democratic because of the Bush administration. Obama is lacking experience in life- facing and solving problems, it's something only time can change.



#123 2008-11-05 20:59:14

Registered: 2007-06-03
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

and because they didnt like mccain.

but can you tell me more about why you like mccain so much?
Kuzimu: Dawn of a New Age                                                                                                  Coming May 2010



#124 2008-11-05 21:09:44

Registered: 2008-04-19
Posts: 1000+

Re: Politics

THe reason he can't move his arms is because they both got brocken while he was a prisoner in the war and he had to set them himself.



#125 2008-11-06 09:08:49

Registered: 2008-11-04
Posts: 48

Re: Politics

funkymonkey wrote:

and because they didnt like mccain.

but can you tell me more about why you like mccain so much?

Let's see…� experience, patriotism, un-socialist, stuff like that. I don't like a guy, who let's face it, knows some terrorists, has little, almost no, experience, and has no clue how to be president. He has never done anything in senate. I'm quoting a radio show, after someoen asked who they should vote for:

"If you want to make $1000.00, but want to lose your job, vote for Obama. Otherwise vote for McCain."

That's socialism



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