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#1 2011-05-08 09:01:45

Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 1

Fallout-esque Game

Fallout-Esque Game

Hey, I'm W3BB3R known in other sites and forums usually as The-Massacred-One or The-massacred-One-Team i have used scratch for the last year or two and have made a few games but have only become a member in the last 6 or 7 months and have not uploaded anything, or touched scratch at all for the last few months

Im currently working on a fallout-esque game i have a working demo of sorts with ghouls that walk around the map and fight back and die (loot will come soon) but i have a few bugs that ive worked around in past games but i cannot remember how, I am also looking for people who may be interested in teaming up to help make the game nothing definate but i would be happy to hear from any of the following:

Storyline ideas

I would be happy to get some advice on the following bugs that i have.
1. Character will occasionally become lodged in cars that are part of the scenery
2. Some areas of the stage are inpassable from some directions ( i have no idea whether this is a bug in scratch because there is nothing in my scripts that could cause it or what)

Anyone interested in working on the project, or just want to discuss it contact me through this thread



#2 2011-09-20 20:11:52

Registered: 2010-05-23
Posts: 100+

Re: Fallout-esque Game

i can program pretty good and i could input to the story some, and if i have a while (a LONG while) i can make ok sprites...could I join?



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