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#1 2011-05-06 18:59:27

Registered: 2011-05-04
Posts: 74

Scripting for New Scratchers

This Scratch Forum will give examples of scripts.  It will also give a couple basic scripts so New Scratchers can have help.  If you have any questions or comments please post a reply to this topic.

Example #1:  When flag clicked, go to front, show, glide [20] secs to x: [0] y: [0], brodcast [Begining], say [Hello World] for [5] secs, hide, stop script.

Example #2:  When Sprite1 clicked, go to front, glide [10] secs to x: [0] y: [0], change [color] effect by [25], say [Hello Scratch Viewers] for [5] secs, hide, brodcast [Start], stop script.

Example #3:  When Sprite2 clicked, | repeat until---mouse down?, switch to costume [costume2], set size to [50]%, go back [2] layers, turn <- [10] degrees, if on edge bounce, go to front, set size to [100]%, change [color] effect by 15, switch to costume [costume1], | , stop all.

Basic Programs:
-when flag (or sprite) clicked, hide (or show)
-forever, if---mouse down?, pen down
-when flag (or sprite) clicked, brodcast [(insert character(s) for brodcast name)]
-when flag (or sprite) clicked, glide [(insert number of seconds)] secs to x: [(insert number coordinance)] y: [(insert number coordinance)]
-when flag (or sprite) clicked, say [(insert text)] for [(insert number of seconds)] secs

NOTE:  ALWAYS remember to test your projects.

Scripting is easy once you get the hang of it so practice.  The more you script the harder scripts you can make.  Just think of what you want to do and find bricks to do it.

Happy Scratching!   big_smile

I was wondering why the football was getting bigger and bigger. Then It hit me in the face.



#2 2011-05-07 11:34:07

Registered: 2011-04-11
Posts: 500+

Re: Scripting for New Scratchers

Thanks it helps  smile



#3 2011-05-07 19:07:36

Registered: 2011-05-04
Posts: 74

Re: Scripting for New Scratchers

FreshStudios wrote:

Thanks it helps  smile

Have fun Scratching!  big_smile

I was wondering why the football was getting bigger and bigger. Then It hit me in the face.



#4 2011-05-11 08:30:19

Registered: 2011-05-04
Posts: 74

Re: Scripting for New Scratchers

I have other pages too:




Have Fun!  smile

I was wondering why the football was getting bigger and bigger. Then It hit me in the face.



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