That just looks a LOT better... and it also gives it a more "sophisticated" feel, don't you think? I TOTALLY support!
When Green Flag Clicked
[say: (I totally support!) for (2) sec]
[stop all]
Another idea: what if, in text mode, you still had the blocks? When you drop a block into the scripting area, it would insert that block as text where your mouse is! Just a thought.
MiffinTheMuffin wrote:
Good idea. It would make everything look a LOT more impressive.
But looks aren't everything
I half support. xP
Chrischb wrote:
That's too... fancy.
Simplicity might be better for something basic like Scratch...
I prefer that honestly.
When compared to something like this:
When Green Flag Clicked
[say: (I totally support!) for (2) sec]
[stop all]
SRR's feels much less blocky than the above example. Some mess is needed to make it feel comfortable in a text based enviroment.
soupoftomato wrote:
Chrischb wrote:
That's too... fancy.
Simplicity might be better for something basic like Scratch...
I prefer that honestly.
When compared to something like this:
When Green Flag Clicked
[say: (I totally support!) for (2) sec]
[stop all]
SRR's feels much less blocky than the above example. Some mess is needed to make it feel comfortable in a text based enviroment.
Except that this is supposed to be the ergonomic (if that's the right word) option, so it isn't supposed to look blocky. There's no point in all the extra parentheses and various brackets, so they shouldn't be there.
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
soupoftomato wrote:
Chrischb wrote:
That's too... fancy.
Simplicity might be better for something basic like Scratch...
I prefer that honestly.
When compared to something like this:
When Green Flag Clicked
[say: (I totally support!) for (2) sec]
[stop all]
SRR's feels much less blocky than the above example. Some mess is needed to make it feel comfortable in a text based enviroment.Except that this is supposed to be the ergonomic (if that's the right word) option, so it isn't supposed to look blocky. There's no point in all the extra parentheses and various brackets, so they shouldn't be there.
I have to agree with SRR on this one. I think learning which brackets go around which blocks would make a text version of Scratch more difficult to learn, not easier to understand. It's one more thing to memorize. I prefer an implementation like either C/Java or Python.
Cool idea, but it kind of ruins scratch's original idea. But it might be good. Since those who are fast typers could use text and those who prefer dragging blocks would use blocks.
What would be a good idea is that if anyone clicks on the text tab, a notification comes up, telling the user that if you are learning scratch, do not go to this tab.
werdna123 wrote:
Cool idea, but it kind of ruins scratch's original idea. But it might be good. Since those who are fast typers could use text and those who prefer dragging blocks would use blocks.
How would it ruin the original idea?
ScratchReallyROCKS wrote:
werdna123 wrote:
Cool idea, but it kind of ruins scratch's original idea. But it might be good. Since those who are fast typers could use text and those who prefer dragging blocks would use blocks.
How would it ruin the original idea?
Maybe not, but I think Scratch was intended to be different in the way it had blocks. But if you used both it'd be OK.
I myself had an idea like this.
It's a different syntax than yours though...
Here is a hello world script.
Project ("Hello world!") Sprite [Sprite1] Script [on start] Say ("Hello world!") for [1] End Script //insert more scripts here.(// is a comment) End Sprite //insert more sprites here. End Project
Which means
[blocks]<when green flag clicked>
<say[ Hello world!]for(1)secs>[/blocks]
Do this and we need an option to save as XML, simple enough
so i can apply my UI hax- i mean be able to read the file in a different format
I also suggested this (you might be able to still see it in the suggestions area of the forums. I think It's a great idea.
markyparky56 wrote:
martianshark wrote:
I have an idea for this if it happens: The place where the blocks would be turns into a box with code keys!
You mean, have the bloks as what they would be in text version?
What I meant was that in blocks mode, the palette would show the codes for different blocks - to help you out when you're typing the code.
Honestly, I think this is a really good idea. It's the next step to real programming.
I think that a text-based scratch should be more object-oriented, and more similar to java.
throughthefire wrote:
I think that a text-based scratch should be more object-oriented, and more similar to java.
The idea of Text Scratch isn't to change how the language works, but rather provide an alternative way to write scripts.
scmb1 wrote:
I think that is a cool idea. It would be like text programming in plain English.
Good, nice idea.
What about...
[command] "string" 'number' #comment# <boolean> (reporter) <hat>
<when green flag clicked> [say (var) for '2' secs]-#This is an attached comment# #Comment unattatched num1# #Comment at different place#
Project "Project" Sprite "Sprite1" image "image.gif" xy at start "0" "0" Script [on start] say "Hello." for '2' secs End Script End Sprite End Project
Or, all unknown-named blocks would be called "mispelt".