when you leave a comment, i think it would be a good idea to leave a rating too, a little like how they do on newgrounds, where you rate 1-5
1=needs improvement
2=not bad
4=very good
5=mind blowingly awesome
that's from one of my projects and i hid the names for whatever reason
the rating i gave for them is just a rating i think they might of given the project
@tvflea (see, I used your full u.n.) he may not want to leave a comment for each comment saying "needs imrpovement" or "mind blowingly awesome" for it might make him look uneducated like he only knows how to say that. You mustn't be that rude, [name].
The problem with ratings is that people might not understand a comment and rate it bad just because. Or, there might just be people who rate all comments not by them 1.
There are many problems with ratings, especially for comments...
Allow me to direct you to this thread. (See number 5; this suggestion has already been declined in the past.)
Personally, I think its too much trouble for not enough reward. Its really not necessary to have this feature, and it would probably really slow down the server.