AllScratchedUp wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
big-bang wrote:
Why can't there be more choice? And will Obama being elected actually mean terrorists everywhere? Maybe somebody should reduce oil dependency and stop the war in Iraq.Well his friends are terrorists. What about the Green Party. Obama is saying that if you don't like him your racist because he's african american, and John McCain is getting more votes for having a woman VP, but they Green Party is an African American woman. Go Green team!
Obama's friend is not a terrorist. He isn't even his friend! They were just on some council together. That's it.
Does the name George Dickerson mean anything to you?
Does any Obama supporter know anything about there candidate?if any one knows anything about him politically or personally please tell me i would like to see the lies he puts out about him.
Bluestribute wrote:
Since the race is heating up, talk about it here. Like who you want, some stuff about the politics etc.
I absolutely dislike Barack Obama. When you consider his friend bombed the Pentagon, he got his house from some guy in jail, and told some other country (I think Germany) America is an evil empire, it doesn't really make me wanna vote for him (I'll look this up to make sure too, though I know the guy they bought their house from IS in jail for fraud and Obama's friend bombed the pentagon via news and radio). I don't really care about race. Just who is most qualified. The most qualified was Mitt Romney but he is dropped out… and at least McCain is patriotic and likes America (even Obama's wife said she hates America). And McCain just announced Sarah Palin as his VP. And Obama said he was going to do something unconstitutional (the part about crossing stuff off the budget list is illegal). And I aso just found this quote from Obama himself about his speech:
Barack Obama: "It was the greatest speech ever given. It was like God Himself was speaking through me and then I realized: I'm God.".
Wow. He is really full of himself- makes a custom built stand for the speech, signs autographs, costs my capital city billions of dollars, makes a huge deal about nothing (who cares if it was the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech and Barack was speaking. Personally, kinda ruined the holiday…) among other things.
Well, you see I really dislike Obama ( a lot! He wouldn't even wear the American Flag on 9/11!). What are your political views?
Many of your "facts" about Obama lack any basis in reality.
Mayhem wrote:
Bluestribute wrote:
Since the race is heating up, talk about it here. Like who you want, some stuff about the politics etc.
I absolutely dislike Barack Obama. When you consider his friend bombed the Pentagon, he got his house from some guy in jail, and told some other country (I think Germany) America is an evil empire, it doesn't really make me wanna vote for him (I'll look this up to make sure too, though I know the guy they bought their house from IS in jail for fraud and Obama's friend bombed the pentagon via news and radio). I don't really care about race. Just who is most qualified. The most qualified was Mitt Romney but he is dropped out… and at least McCain is patriotic and likes America (even Obama's wife said she hates America). And McCain just announced Sarah Palin as his VP. And Obama said he was going to do something unconstitutional (the part about crossing stuff off the budget list is illegal). And I aso just found this quote from Obama himself about his speech:
Barack Obama: "It was the greatest speech ever given. It was like God Himself was speaking through me and then I realized: I'm God.".
Wow. He is really full of himself- makes a custom built stand for the speech, signs autographs, costs my capital city billions of dollars, makes a huge deal about nothing (who cares if it was the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream" speech and Barack was speaking. Personally, kinda ruined the holiday…) among other things.
Well, you see I really dislike Obama ( a lot! He wouldn't even wear the American Flag on 9/11!). What are your political views?Many of your "facts" about Obama lack any basis in reality.
Blue won't reply, he left Scratch. So either join the Astrogeek Forums (where he went) or don't reply.
I'm not trying to be rude...!
DotsandStripes wrote:
AllScratchedUp wrote:
You know, we should start a "Scratchers for Obama" union. We could help spread the truth about Obama!
P.S. Palin is the worst V.P. ever. Whenever she is asked questions, she just tries to go around them.Amen.
And totally, I dislike Palin. She just doesn't act, well, smart at times.
in the VP debate, she didnt directly answer any of the questions
News guy: What are your plans for climate change?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: How do you feel, being a woman in a government position?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: Have you lost your mind?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: *snickers to self* Is it true that you ran over a taxpayer in the parking lot?
Palin: It will be good for him.
big-bang wrote:
News guy: What are your plans for climate change?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: How do you feel, being a woman in a government position?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: Have you lost your mind?
Palin: It will be good for taxpayers.
News guy: *snickers to self* Is it true that you ran over a taxpayer in the parking lot?
Palin: It will be good for him.
Funny! Are there any articles from RELIABLE news sources with this quote, or did you make it up yourself? If there are, can you tell we where to find it.
mrguy740 wrote:
Ivaash wrote:
LOLZ I think all candidate stink Barrack Obama is inexperienced John Mc-Cain is a war corrupted old geezer and the rest don't really stand a chance if they're still in the race
Your right Go NADER!!!!
not really a nader supporter sorry
I meant green party
Go Green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, go give your vote to McCain!!!!
So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?
Last edited by half_life_2 (2008-11-04 10:58:18)
half_life_2 wrote:
So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?
I don't recall the rich working particularly hard for the huge amount of tax-payers money that was just given to the banks to cover their financial foul ups.
Here is a link to some live results as they come up.
Bobby500 wrote:
half_life_2 wrote:
So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?
half_life_2 wrote:
Bobby500 wrote:
half_life_2 wrote:
So If U Want Obama To Win , You Say Yes To Abortion. And What About Us The Military, Dont We Deserve A Great Pay? He Just Lures You Into His People By Saying HE WILL Increase Pay. And Tax On The Rich. The Rich Worked Hard To Get That Money. So Do U Still Want Obama To Win?!?!?
Often times, abortion can be reasonably justified. If a young girl gets pregnant and has no way of supporting her child is it right to not let her get an abortion? I don't want to get into a argument over religion because they never go anywhere, but please, try to think about things from another perspective.
archmage wrote:
half_life_2 wrote:
Bobby500 wrote:
Often times, abortion can be reasonably justified. If a young girl gets pregnant and has no way of supporting her child is it right to not let her get an abortion? I don't want to get into a argument over religion because they never go anywhere, but please, try to think about things from another perspective.
Abortion is killing another life.
Zelda123 wrote:
archmage wrote:
half_life_2 wrote:
YOU SUPPORT ABORTION? YOU SINNER!Often times, abortion can be reasonably justified. If a young girl gets pregnant and has no way of supporting her child is it right to not let her get an abortion? I don't want to get into a argument over religion because they never go anywhere, but please, try to think about things from another perspective.
Abortion is killing another life.
That depends on how you define life. Is a unborn fetus a living person? There have been many debates on this issue and many people have differing opinions.
Abortion is a silly reason to vote for someone anyways. Consider how that person will run your country instead.
archmage wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
archmage wrote:
Often times, abortion can be reasonably justified. If a young girl gets pregnant and has no way of supporting her child is it right to not let her get an abortion? I don't want to get into a argument over religion because they never go anywhere, but please, try to think about things from another perspective.Abortion is killing another life.
That depends on how you define life. Is a unborn fetus a living person? There have been many debates on this issue and many people have differing opinions.
Abortion is a silly reason to vote for someone anyways. Consider how that person will run your country instead.
It is not that silly. She could at least put her baby up for adoption instead of killing the baby.
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
archmage wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
Abortion is killing another life.That depends on how you define life. Is a unborn fetus a living person? There have been many debates on this issue and many people have differing opinions.
Abortion is a silly reason to vote for someone anyways. Consider how that person will run your country instead.It is not that silly. She could at least put her baby up for adoption instead of killing the baby.
By the time the person decides whether or not to abort, the baby is already alive. Anyways, if it isn't, it will become a life.
Abortion is part of running the country. It is a matter of life and death.
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
archmage wrote:
Zelda123 wrote:
Abortion is killing another life.That depends on how you define life. Is a unborn fetus a living person? There have been many debates on this issue and many people have differing opinions.
Abortion is a silly reason to vote for someone anyways. Consider how that person will run your country instead.It is not that silly. She could at least put her baby up for adoption instead of killing the baby.
Why should the girl have to endure the painful pregnancy? It would save the girl a lot of hardship to just get rid of the baby.
I personally think that you should elect someone who you think is most capable of running your country. Whether someone supports abortion or not does not influence their ability to run a country.