I'm getting this weird white bar on the bottom of some projects, and it takes a couple refreshes to get it to go away. Is this a bug?
Sorry, should have said before, I'm using Safari on Mac OS X 10.5.
Last edited by jamie (2008-10-18 15:24:57)
wierd... i've never encountered this before... well,i do use IE on a Windows =/
It happens to me on safari. But I think I know why it happens. Do you see it when you scroll down the page, then back up? When I do that, it looks like small parts of the bottom of the project stay under the project window. But it goes away when you highlight it!
i have the same thing by scrolling down.windows vista using internet explorer 7.
I think this problem was introduced in a recent version of the Java player. My guess is that the rate at which it the applet refreshes conflicts with the refresh of the browser. I'll pass this around.