Scratch is a:
Scratch is an educational programming language that allows people of any experience, background and age to experiment with the concepts of fully versatile computer programming by snapping together visual programming blocks to control images, music and sound. -Wikiepedia.
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Last edited by My_Stuff (2011-04-21 16:41:39)
TehEpic wrote:
Scratch is a programming language for all ages that allows you to create animations, stories, announcements, you name it! Please click about at the top of the wepage to learn more.=3
I didn't see that button -.- :facepalm:
Necromaster wrote:
puppetadventurer wrote:
Nice sig Puppet...
thank you
Well, it seems you already have a fair knowledge of the Scratch software considering that you've already uploaded projects to the website.
The Scratch website is pretty much a place where people can share their Scratch projects and ideas. You can comment on other people's projects, download and remix projects, or even get fed back on projects you've uploaded to the Scratch website already.