Scratch operators, I have recently gotten a comment on my "Ninja Showdown" project from a person named Glouhg. He said that I took his project from a year ago and that he was very mad at Scratch for destroying his other account, which I think is Glouhg. He then said that he was going to copy all my other projects. According to the time he posted the comment on the project, two minutes later, a guy named Hackerdude posted a comment that said it would be very likely that my project was a rip off of Glouhg's. Hackerdude then said that I, Plumberry, was a loser. Well, I have a hunch that Glough is back, but using the account name of Glouhg. I also think that Gloug has another account, Hackerdude, due to the comments. Scratch official, can you plz ban Glouhg off of Scratch? He probably will copy the best projects again. He will also, with no doubt, call everybody a n00b.
Unfortunatley, due to my anger and rage, I deleted the comments. But if those guys write a comment on any of my projects, I'll inform you guys right away. It looks like we are going to need to make a gallery called "Petition against Glouhg". Scratch, plz help!
<say[ Block Glouhg!!!
Last edited by plumberry (2007-09-05 00:29:17)
Scratch people, I tried searching up Gloug and Hackerdude, but nothing came up. Why did that happen? It should have led me to their profile, but it didn't. Anybody know why?
plum's right. if glough is back, then the whole Scratch community will be threatend by his burglary. plz ban those two accounts plumberry just mentioned for the sake of!!!!!
<when green flag clicked><go to[ gloug, glough, and hackerdude<set instrument to( deleter<forever>ban glough, gloug, and hackerdude from scratch!!!!
glough is an uneducated, metallty ill, a pirate, and he is a n00b. Maybe scratch can make some kind of anti-scratch virus to put on his computer, I wouldn't know how, but I hope scratch can do that! Because he isn't only making copies, he is making fake users, and they are a disgusting and unsporting way of cheating.
The search relies on Google. The Google robots index the Scratch website once in a while so it takes a few days for things to show up.
In regards to Gloug and HackerDude copying other projects I would like to state what I have said before:
1. All of the projects that Glough copied have the statement "Based on ___ project" which follows the "give credit" part of the license used for all projects are shared on this website.
2. The high number of complains about Glough insults used were the reason why his/her IP was banned not because he/she copied projects.
3. I would suggest ignoring this new users (Gloug and HackerDude) because it seems that all this user is trying to achieve is to get attention from others. Ignoring him/her publicly by not replying to his/her comments might be the best response. The user can keep getting new IP addresses so there is no point in arguing with him/her.
4. For any inappropriate content or behavior please contact the Scratch team directly via the Contact Us link at the bottom. Do not posting reports of inappropriate behavior on the forums because this gives more attention to this kind of users.
Thanks a lot.
JoelP wrote:
glough is an uneducated, metallty ill, a pirate, and he is a n00b. Maybe scratch can make some kind of anti-scratch virus to put on his computer, I wouldn't know how, but I hope scratch can do that! Because he isn't only making copies, he is making fake users, and they are a disgusting and unsporting way of cheating.
anti-scratch, LOL
gloug or glough or hackerdude has no right to copy others projects. no matter what, copying is against the law. there should be a set of anti copying rules that, when broken, send a message to the offendor at the very least. this should really belong in suggestions, though.
everybody, his named is spelled glouhg, sorry. Anyway, Scratch, he copied my project and one of my best friend's project. He called them his own and called us n00bs. I have flagged his (our) projects as inappropriate. Please, anybody who doesn't like Glouhg, mark his projects as inappropriate! If you want to see Glouhg's comments, go to my "Ninja Showdown" project.
Last edited by plumberry (2007-09-05 00:30:14)
I swore so badly in his project that copied... MEeeEeEeEeEEEEEEEEEEEEeEeeEeEeeeeeeeeeEeE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <say[Don't we all hate Glough?!?!?!?!?] >
Yes, I agree Cocanut! Flag all his projects!!! Recruit everybody we can get!!!
I've found anouther copyer, Thereseller he copyed two of my progects already!!!!
<say[ stop all copyers!!! <forever>
<stop all>
Last edited by N-Wear (2007-09-06 08:18:30)
JoelP wrote:
glough is an uneducated, metallty ill, a pirate, and he is a n00b. Maybe scratch can make some kind of anti-scratch virus to put on his computer, I wouldn't know how, but I hope scratch can do that! Because he isn't only making copies, he is making fake users, and they are a disgusting and unsporting way of cheating.
Dont talk about him that way!!!!
Last edited by Stewart123 (2007-09-06 09:23:58)
<when green flag clicked>
<if>(( hate <+> glough ))
Tag Glough
Join Anit Gloughing Society gallery
<if><( glough <=> gone )>
<say[ YAY!!!
there is now an army of gloughs. all men (and women)(and boys and girls too) to their battle stations! we must eliminate all gloughs and restore peace to!!!<if><( glough <=>here )><say[ glough must be defeated
By the way. I looked at the logs and the new users that pretend to be Glough are not the original Glough because the IP's are from different countries than the original one. One of them comes from an IP shared by a whole school so I think it's not a good idea to ban the whole school IP address.
Flagging was not designed to be used to censor copies of other projects but if enough people flag those projects and it reaches the maximum number of flags it will get censored automatically. If this happens I will respect the decision of the community and leave the projects censored.
Thanks for being such active members and... Scratch on!
okay, thnks andresmh. But can't we still flag the projects? I mean, it makes people really mad that somebody would copy their project without permission and take all the credit for themselves. I think some people consider a copy of their project inappropriate because of these reasons, not just because a project has inappropriate material. Anyway, thnks again andresmh. We'll report anything else we see.
Last edited by plumberry (2007-09-08 21:05:47)
Glouhg has copied more projects!!! I think we should flag them!!!
<say[ STOP GLOUHG!!!
Uh... wasn't he banned?
Guys, how do you remove people?
I tried the remove members
plumberry wrote:
Scratch operators, I have recently gotten a comment on my "Ninja Showdown" project from a person named Glouhg. He said that I took his project from a year ago and that he was very mad at Scratch for destroying his other account, which I think is Glouhg. He then said that he was going to copy all my other projects. According to the time he posted the comment on the project, two minutes later, a guy named Hackerdude posted a comment that said it would be very likely that my project was a rip off of Glouhg's. Hackerdude then said that I, Plumberry, was a loser. Well, I have a hunch that Glough is back, but using the account name of Glouhg. I also think that Gloug has another account, Hackerdude, due to the comments. Scratch official, can you plz ban Glouhg off of Scratch? He probably will copy the best projects again. He will also, with no doubt, call everybody a n00b.
Unfortunatley, due to my anger and rage, I deleted the comments. But if those guys write a comment on any of my projects, I'll inform you guys right away. It looks like we are going to need to make a gallery called "Petition against Glouhg". Scratch, plz help!
<say[ Block Glouhg!!!
i know why hes copying hes glough, also watch out for gluogh, and gluogh they are all noobs whos with me!X[