Helllo, I just signed up to the Scratch website today. I put up some projects that I had made previously up on the site. I really think people will enjoy them, and am wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to get more veiws? I will really appreciate any answers. Thank you
You could add them to galleries, and/or advertise them in the Show and Tell forum.
What's a gallery? I've seen the tab, but what is it, exactly?
A gallery is a collection of projects related to the subject of the gallery, and everyone who visits the gallery will see it. For example, the Scrolling Projects gallery is where you can add any projects that have scrolling backgrounds. There are many other galleries, and you can search for hem by clicking the galleries tab and typing in the search box. To add projects, press the "add my projects" button (might be disabled if the gallery owner wants only certain people to add) and then selecting projects you want to add and then adding them. The gallery owner can delete projects from them if they're not related to the gallery. You can also create one by pressing the "create a gallery" link under the galleries tab.
thank you very much!
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