I am trying to make an animation occur with the mouse button is clicked anywhere on the stage so i have the "mousedown" function within an If control and then the glide motion in the If control. When i try to play it nothing happens when I click my mouse. I'm pretty sure I've made the mousedown function true, but I can't tell because the little speech bubble that tells you so keeps changing and disappearing! please help!
<if><mouse down?>
<glide( )secs to x )y
this is my code so far with it working.
I just need to replace the initial wait(4secs) with the mousedown so that it begins when the mouse it clicked instead of just waiting and playing.
<when green flag clicked>
<set x to( -164
<set y to( -70
<wait( 4
<play sound[
<wait( 1
<glide( 1 )secs to x -70 )y -40