Does anyone know what these functions do?
operators tab,
join hello world
letter 1 of world
length of world
Thanks! :-)
Join: Joins letters together, e.g. (join 'sometext' (somevariable) ) will appear as 'sometext' with what the somevariable reports.
Letter of: Reports the letter # of a word, e.g. (letter '1' of 'text') will appear as t .
Length: How many letters are in the word, e.g. (length of 'text') will report 4.
This isn't advanced, but:
Join will report the first value (hello) joinrd to the secon (world). So, Join 'H' and 'i' makes Hi.
Letter () of [] reports that letter of the input: Letter 1 of Hi is 'H', letter 2 of Hi is 'i'.
Length of [] reports the number of symbols in the input: Hi is 2 symbols long.
These are called the STRING blocks as the rectangular text boxes are called string inputs, and string itself means a bunch of combined symbols: 1062387refwdhljw, Hardmath123, etc.
Hope this is helpful
EDIT: Outposted
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2011-04-15 11:34:53)
oh man theres nothing left to say