-autoDRUM|studio Handbook-
Here is a guide on how to use my software, autoDRUM|studio.
autoDRUM|studio is used to make animated videos that are synched with music. Here's how you can make one today!
Step 1: Download the latest version of autoDRUM|studio here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Lellowsfuzz/1699771
Step 2: Open up autoDRUM|studio and edit the sprite "ghost." Change costume1 to the title screen. DO NOT change costume2.
Step 3: Go to variables and open any list. midi is synched to the drumstick that hits the ride cymbal and snare drum(stick1), midi2 is synched with the mallet that hits the bass drum and crash cymbal(mallet1), and midi3 is synched with the mallet that plays the xylophone and gong(mallet2).
Step 4: Start programming the song in the list. Use each command in each list to make the stick/mallets play.
-snare hits snare drum
-ride hits ride cymbal
-bass hits bass drum
-crash hits crash cymbal
-lob plays low D
-loc plays low C
-d plays D
-e plays E
-f plays F
-g plays G
-a plays A
-hib plays high B
-hic plays high C
-gong plays gong
For every midi list, if you type in nothing, it is a rest.
That pretty much covers everything! Have fun and scratch on!