This would be an ideal place to discuss suggestions for the user pages.
Topics that have come into my brain:
Self pictures:
Pictures that are separate from your account picture. Would usually be of yourself.
News bulletins:
Small blurbs that the user would type up. might have to do with their new project, or might have to do with what they're doing. Probably would be archived. Other users would be able to comment on these bulletins.
A more organized favorites section:
Changeable priority. Less of them actually shown.
A more organized friends section:
Changeable priority, the current # shown is good.
Changeable background for the userpage. Tiled or centered. Color schemes would also be nice. All the white is starting to bore a hole into my eyes.
Private Messages:
Messages that can be sent in between users without anyone else seeing. Blocking can apply here as well.
Online or Offline:
Would simply say whether or not the user was logged on or not.
How I'm feelin'
A short blurb about how you're a-feelin' Either that or a list of emoticons to choose form. A relatively short list, mind you. Or both.
If any other good ideas show up I'll put 'em up here 'soon as possible.
I like ALL of these ideas!
zawicki1fromyoutube wrote:
I like ALL of these ideas!
Now all we need is for them to happen!