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#1 2011-04-08 13:30:27

New Scratcher
Registered: 2011-03-08
Posts: 7

How may I not sink into the wall?

It is a translation of "Reverso" ^^

I expose(explain) you my problem...
My character can jump when the object 1 is touched. So he does not sink into the object 1, which is the set. But I do not arrive has to make the same thing for walls, I think that it is clear, but I deepen. Then, My character advances on walls and he sinks. I would like that he cannot exceed walls (the problem of the ground is settled) .thank you!  smile



#2 2011-04-08 13:45:50

Registered: 2011-03-10
Posts: 44

Re: How may I not sink into the wall?

Wait, so when you jump to a platform, you sink through it?
If that's your problem, I have a Game which has a script to fix that problem.

However, if it's that you're banging into walls and sinking before bouncing back, then you should create a bounding box (I.E. outline the Spirte that's a wall, and then make it invisible, slightly larger. Then, if the character touches that box, then it should move (Repeat y: -x Steps) backwards.)




#3 2011-04-15 14:32:13

Registered: 2011-01-07
Posts: 95

Re: How may I not sink into the wall?

julesttropfort wrote:

It is a translation of "Reverso" ^^

I expose(explain) you my problem...
My character can jump when the object 1 is touched. So he does not sink into the object 1, which is the set. But I do not arrive has to make the same thing for walls, I think that it is clear, but I deepen. Then, My character advances on walls and he sinks. I would like that he cannot exceed walls (the problem of the ground is settled) .thank you!  smile

make a sensor search not ghosting through and copy the scripts



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