Hey guys I was just wondering whether there is a way to open the online Scratch viewer in a new window as just the applet not the website? If so please tell me.
No, sadly there isn't. But you could suggest it.
Last edited by majormax (2011-03-13 17:34:58)
After uploading your project, go to your project's page and look for the "Link to this Project" section on the right.
Click on "Embed" - copy all contents of "As an applet" and paste into into your HTML
Job done
I don't think that's what he's asking for Ratty1967UK. Thenuclearduck wants to open a Scratch project in a new window, like with the experimental viewer.
Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible without creating a whole new web page, which I don't think Thenuclearduck wants to do.
he asked for just the applet - which is exactly what the embed link gives you
If I reword what I said- basically, I have a website where I need just the java applet to open in a new window, but when I try to make a new page on my website I have to have the title and navigation on the page but I just want the applet, nothing else.
Last edited by Thenuclearduck (2011-03-21 13:30:03)
Yes, there is. Are you on a Mac? I'm not sure if you can do it on Windows.
Edit: Oh wait, I just read the thread. It's possible to do that, but you'd have to have a website that allowed you to edit CSS and HTML.
Last edited by Sunrise-Moon (2011-03-21 13:42:11)
Thenuclearduck wrote:
If I reword what I said- basically, I have a website where I need just the java applet to open in a new window, but when I try to make a new page on my website I have to have the title and navigation on the page but I just want the applet, nothing else.
yeah, i'm afraid you're stuck with the title and navigation parts unless you have the ability to edit the HTML of your web pages directly.
I'm kind of confused by the conversation above, but if you want an applet Ratty1967UK is correct. Just go to the project and click "Embed" under "Link to this Project" (right-hand side of the screen)
Fixed now, thanks for all your help