Ive been thinking, and what if you could put scratch on different consoles? for example:
you have a modified version of scratch, for a certain console, lets day DS> in stead of when () pressed, it would be like when(Lbutton) or something. then, you could upload it onto a mini game card, and play! is this possible?
doubt it
I'll create a mockup.
@puppetadventure: why? im sure its possible...
@rdococ thank you
A Scratch player for the DS would be nice (wait, does it exist?)...
But the coding has to be done on a PC. There's no way you would fit a Scratch window (even stripped down to the bare minimum) on a DS screen!
They could do this, but it would cost alot and would not be as advanced as scratch for PC and it would probably take a long time to come out. If they do that, they should also make apple have a scratch app on Ipod/Iphone/Ipad.
^Scratch on the DS. Requires some sort of flash card. Apparently it works, but is unstable and slow.
jfmlove6 wrote:
They could do this, but it would cost alot and would not be as advanced as scratch for PC and it would probably take a long time to come out. If they do that, they should also make apple have a scratch app on Ipod/Iphone/Ipad.
The iPod idea was removed by Apple.
just to clear things up, let me re-summarize with better wording:
ok, so you would program the project on the Computer. you Laptop, Windows, Mac, whatever. but, it would be a "special" kind of scratch, or scratch in a "certain" mode.
it sets it so instead of interactiong with keyboard and touchscreen, it interacts with ABXY button, L and R, mic, and + pad, and the double screens. then, it woujld be put onto a little card that fits into the DS, and then you can play it, closed source, on your DS, or DS lite. ( Dsim DsiXL, 3DS, etc, would be a tad too hard to code in scratcxh for, personally- too many features or whatever. that, and I only have a DS lite, ) and then, you could take it back out if you wanted, and put it back into the computer, and change the coding. you could give it to anyone to play on theyre DSs', wich are less bulky the PCs, and, unlike the latter, can fit in your pocket
. so, long story short, it would:
1)have a special thing on scratch that has features that allow you to program interactions with the features on a DS
2)you being able to upload that onto a little card, similar to an SD card, that fits into you DS
3) when you put it into your DS, you will be able to play it sort of like it is in presentation mode- closed source, (wich means you cant see the code)
4) you could take it out and put it back into the computer, wher you could view it open sourced, (wich means you can see the code) and change it around a bit.
the adventadged: it would be easier to share and test Scratch programs, because you could give them the chip thingy- and they could plug it into their computer, and change the code!
(oh, and you would have to buy the SD/chips of if scratch though,)
Just a d\suggestion
edits: srry for bad spelling. im on a strange keyboard...
2 that wasnt much of a summary... :-\
Last edited by infinite_minus_zero (2011-04-17 00:37:07)
thebuilderdd wrote:
jfmlove6 wrote:
They could do this, but it would cost alot and would not be as advanced as scratch for PC and it would probably take a long time to come out. If they do that, they should also make apple have a scratch app on Ipod/Iphone/Ipad.
The iPod idea was removed by Apple.
Not the idea, the app.
Scratch on DS? Let me remind you all DSs (except the 3ds) have screens of 256 by 192 pixels.
hey, thats a good idea! it would be cool if Nintendo and the Scratch members worked together, to make a game. and the... donate it to charity? idk. make it sponser something good. haha, but ya, it would be cool to do a co-op thing with Nintendo or Sega or something, and get scratch some more members and stuff.
edit: oh, and I almost forgot.
I did some research, and theres a thing that lets you put files on a chip that fits in the DS, so that you can play in it on it. Or something like that... it was like 30 moneys (harhar) and Im not sure how to do it. ill have to look at it some more. all I know, is im broke, so I wont be able to buy it.
Last edited by infinite_minus_zero (2011-04-23 22:45:45)