SSBBM wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Not mine! Maybe a new one for the Library.
I agree. Two votes for new email.
We can simply use sparks' if thats okay with him, he doesn't have to tell us his password does he?
Pecola1 wrote:
SSBBM wrote:
scimonster wrote:
Not mine! Maybe a new one for the Library.
I agree. Two votes for new email.
We can simply use sparks' if thats okay with him, he doesn't have to tell us his password does he?
I don't know, isn't it accessible in the account settings? (I know nothing about weebly.)
scimonster wrote:
Pecola1 wrote:
SSBBM wrote:
I agree. Two votes for new email.
We can simply use sparks' if thats okay with him, he doesn't have to tell us his password does he?
I don't know, isn't it accessible in the account settings?
(I know nothing about weebly.)
I'll check.
No, I don't think so.
My password wouldn't be accessable from the accounts page, I could create an account with the same pw as the library only I own two weebly accounts already and don't really have a third email spare!
sparks wrote:
My password wouldn't be accessable from the accounts page, I could create an account with the same pw as the library only I own two weebly accounts already and don't really have a third email spare!
I'll use my email if no one want to use theirs.
SSBBM wrote:
sparks wrote:
My password wouldn't be accessable from the accounts page, I could create an account with the same pw as the library only I own two weebly accounts already and don't really have a third email spare!
I'll use my email if no one want to use theirs.
Do you have a weebly account with that email already, you notice this will be the only weebly account with that email don't you?
GP1 wrote:
I have a new block for BYOB
and here is the code thingy
thank you, and have a nice day!
I'm going to go add that one.
My new BYOB block, Draw.
Oh, and the square reporter is another block without code.
Last edited by ProgrammingFreak (2011-04-05 14:46:57)
zorket wrote:
Download ([] reversed) [BYOB operators] here.
Zorket! Haven't seen yah a while, where have you been?
YourLocalBlockLib wrote:
@Sparks and others
how about for the glossary we make it link to a sound, for INSTANCE (I love cheesy jokes) instance would be
Instance: Commonly misunderstood word... not sure what it means myself, please do post a lamen's terms explanation for this!
sparks wrote:
I think it's the costume name... I can't remember. but seeing as costume names can't be a number that does not start with a "0" I think you can enter either...
No! You enter the file place for an image, such as example.png, if there was a example image in the file named example.png it would tell you the width
sparks wrote:
put it in public folder, right click dropbox>copy public link
the image needs to be a PNG for transparency, that one you shared is a BMP. They don't do transparency![]()
PNG seems to not work with transparent, with gimp, GIF does, but it isn't the best format, see: (png)
Pecola1 wrote:
PNG seems to not work with transparent, with gimp, GIF does, but it isn't the best format, see: … 817834.png (png) … 566125.gif (GIF)
??? PNG transparency works fine for me on GIMP!
Transparent PNGs don't work on Firefox... still.
Stick to GIFs.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-04-07 04:59:51)
('Password Protect Script' #c #passProtect)
passProtect | t1 t2 t3 | t3 _ StringDialog ask: 'Type password'. t3 = 'passw0rd' ifTrue: [t1 _ stackFrame expression. t2 _ stackFrame arguments. self popStackFrame. self pushStackFrame: (ScratchStackFrame new expression: t1 firstBlockList)]
What it does: asks for a password, and runs the script inside only if the password is right.
To set password:
passProtect | t1 t2 t3 | t3 _ StringDialog ask: 'Type password'. t3 = 'passw0rd' <= replace 'passw0rd' with your desired password ifTrue: [t1 _ stackFrame expression. t2 _ stackFrame arguments. self popStackFrame. self pushStackFrame: (ScratchStackFrame new expression: t1 firstBlockList)]
Default password: 'passw0rd'
If the password's wrong, it'll ask again.
P.S. So will you ever add this and this?
Last edited by Hardmath123 (2011-04-07 05:50:57)
Give the images.
Do I have to?
I can't.
Well at least one librarian should be able to...
I think I'm the only one who can't, but I'm the only one on.
Sparks, please hurry up with the weebly account.
Oh. SSBBM, are you?
All Librarians, please post when you add blocks. I didn't notice Pecola1's C blocks- reverse, shuffle, and run. (Which I think are awesome, BTW. )