I think you should get a message for every Love It you recieve on one of your projects. It get kind of annoying when I have to click on EVERY SINGLE link, just to see love it's.
yeah... we do need that!
registeel wrote:
yeah... we do need that!
I know! I hate it how we have to click on every link!
Anyone but registeel?
It would be pretty annoing for people that are on the front page and everyone clicks love it on their project. Just imagine, you are logging in and you see "you have got 5453 loveit's".
jasb wrote:
It would be pretty annoing for people that are on the front page and everyone clicks love it on their project. Just imagine, you are logging in and you see "you have got 5453 loveit's".
O.o ok... lol good point...I'd feel bad for archmage, bluestribute and stuff...
I am sorry for that spam but can you speak polish?
jasb wrote:
I am sorry for that spam but can you speak polish?
No. I just know my last name. LOL
I don't think getting a love it is important enough to get messaged for. You can't read them like you can read comments.
I suggested this a few months ago with a negative response. This would get annoying, because some people comment and always click the loveit button. Then you'd get about double the comments, not a good idea for a lot of people.
that would be nice and if you didn't want to get alerts for loveits you could just turn off the love it alerts. It would be cool if you could just recieve love it alerts from projects you want. like you could click a button that says "I would like to recieve alerts for Love It's on this projects
Agreed with horizen amn.