I was thinking, would it be possible to have a variable that can communicate with the online web, constantly changing the game, simulation ect... For exampleit could then be possible to create a highscores in games via making your score be set online. o it could work with quizes, giving you the persent of who picked a certin answer ect...
The new block would be like the current variable blocks only it might say [blocks] <share{ score }>
An example of use:
<when[ do you want to share your score ]clicked>
<share{ score }>
<broadcast[ High scores ] [/blocks]
these blocks, when 'shown', may apear similer to lists.
Any feedback/constructive critisisim would be nice
P.S. theblocks didint come out as intended, sorry :s
Last edited by yambanshee (2008-09-29 16:16:38)
I think that these online variables were the main feature of netscratch (they were called shariables). Unfortunately this project was canceled. The only hope now is for someone to develop a program that can use scratch 1.3's remote sensors.